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Gabriela's pov

I left richarlison and his ego to sleep on the couch as I returned to my room. The guest room in our apartment hadn't been furnished yet so it was either the couch or my room and well i did offer mine but he was being a bitch about it so I decided to let him have it his way. I had a wash and did my skincare routine before leaving my bathroom to see richarlison now laying on my bed, "you're not a monster, you're the best mami in the world" he said and i couldn't help but laugh even though i just wanted to roll my eyes; "someone changed his mind" I said as i went towards the bed pushing my feet under the covers too. "sim, i would never pass on an opportunity to sleep with you" he said making it sound a lot more sexual than it is.

"Goodnight Richarlison" I said as my legs slowly moved under the covers accidentally knocking on his as his cold skin bought shivers up my spine, this reminded me of the first few days i got to know him. Sneaking up to his hotel room when all we were was just a young pair, A reporter and a footballer. "are you thinking about the time you first fell asleep in my bed?" He asked, God he had the ability to read my mind, "hmm"

"I miss that" he said, I did too but I wasn't going to admit that out loud. We slowly drifted off to sleep. I was always a deep sleeper but after Emilia was born I would get up to the tiniest sound she makes as if it was a motherly instinct to make sure my little girl was okay when she cried. Her baby monitor sat right next to me throughout the night when I woke up at some point. I heard the little girl crying and as much as I would want the new helper to get up and go i knew he was too fast asleep to be woken. I tried to get up and go but his hands had gripped around me tightly

"rich" I whispered, "Rich Em is crying i need to go" I said pushing his hands away but he put them right on top of my waist again, "maybe if you ignore her, she'll stop" he said in his hoarse half asleep voice. "Richarlison" I said once again with a more warning tone to let me go and he groaned letting me go as if he was a child forced to share his toy with another kid. This man convinced me that he was here to help me out with the kid but here he was doing exactly the opposite. I wasn't complaining, I missed him.

I made my way to Emi and took her to my hands. I was too sleepy to keep her back there so as the baby quiet down I brought her to my room and placed her in between richarlison and I before lying down with her and once again drifting off to sleep.

"Emilia don't wake mami up" I heard as i felt the sunlight's brightness on my eyes. "Mami!' Em said against her fathers warning. "I said don't em not do" he said as his volume got louder which meant he was walking closer to me. I slowly opened my eyes to see the little girl sitting infront of me with big doe eyes and a smile with the tiniest teeth in her mouth showing. "morning baby" i said wiping my eyes. "Mami even Papai is here!" she said looking up at richarlison and back at me and it was absolutely adorable. At this moment I knew that not only I but even richarlison was so happy about the decision he made to stay with us because to see our daughter this happy was heartwarming, both parents in one morning was magic to her eyes and that's all that really mattered.

"morning linda" the familiar voice of his spoke, "Morning Richarlison" I said sitting up and facing the shirtless guy who reached over and carried Emilia who began laughing as her father threw her up and down. "who do you love better em? ma or pa?" He asked her, "Don't make it a competition" i said standing up trying to avoid losing because right now she was clearly in favor of him. "both" she replied. "smart answer filha, you're already a genius"

 "smart answer filha, you're already a genius"

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