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The test was positive.

She was alone in her hotel room. Well not really alone if you think about it, she was more in shock than she was anything else because she was carrying a little baby inside of her.
She was trying to take it in because she didn't know how to react.

She never expected her to find out alone in a hotel room, rather be married and get this news with her husband and be full of happiness. To jump into his arms as they get ready to bring new life to this earth. She took a few more tests to make sure and they all came back positive.

The first thing she did was call her best friend. Alma picked the FaceTime and started talking when she realized Gabriela was extremely silent. "Gabi?" She asked, "I wish I had a better way of saying thing but right now I'm too in shock to think of one alma" Gabriela said and alma didn't understand until she turned the camera towards the tests, squinting her eyes she tried seeing what was being shown to her an suddenly Alma's mouth dropped her eyes big.

"GABRIELA!" She screamed, and continued to scream over and over again and somehow her reaction made it hit gabriela as well. She was going to have a kid. His kid. She told alma everything and asked for advice on what she should do. "I've never been pregnant I don't know what to do but if I were you the first thing I'd do is come home again" Alma said and out of nowhere she said again. "I'm so exited!" "Clearly" gabi laughed.

Her hand unintentionally was laying on her stomach, she smiled thinking how oddly cool this was not expecting it at all. She booked tickets home, spoke to her boss telling her the circumstances she was in and was allowed to leave France and return to brazil.

You're probably going to see this after practice
Im leaving tonight to go back to Brazil Ney
I'll explain later
See you soon Hopefully

She tried not to think about how she was going to tell Richarlison, she knew that the more the over thought the more she would be stressed and she didn't want that. This wasn't something small, it's one of the biggest deals in anyones life. To be carrying another person in you wasn't some random piece of news you throw around.

Packing the few things Gabriela had in the hotel she called alma and updated her every second just like she asked for. It was unreal, she didn't expect it, not one bit, her and Richarlison had so many conversations about it because they were both so fond of children. It was one of the very first questions she asked him but she never thought it would happen so soon

Richarlison, father of the child and very recent ex.

Was she going to just show up at his apartment with his child or was she going to do it some other way. Landing at home Alma picked her up and gave her a big hug because she missed her best friend and because she needed to congratulate her. "I'm scared" was the first thing she managed to say and alma replied, "don't be gabi, everyone is going to be with you"

She reached home and got all her things back to normal, she just took a second to breath in her house missing it for the past couple months. Home sweet home calmed her down as she sat on the couch just falling asleep quickly. Waking up she smelt the food alma had cooked and ran up to the kitchen taking a few bites

The plan was to settle in at home and then go meet Richarlison. So it took her 2 days to be completely settled. She drove her way to his place once Alma left for work and knocked on the door. Standing there even she didn't know how she was going to tell him but living in the moment she didn't think of it before Richarlison opened the door. He was shocked to see gabi home so soon. Specially since it's been about a week since they had broken up and here she was at his doorstep.

"What's up?" He said give her a shocked look with a hug welcoming her into the house. "You look pale gabi" he said and she just kept staring at him. What do I do? What do I say? She thought before blurting it out. "I'm pregnant" she said and he froze in time. He looked at her tummy and then He pointed at him self with a questioning look to ask if it was his and she nodded "no shit idiota" Happy tears fell from her eyes as she held a smile when he carried her and turned her around. "No way!" He smiled giving her a big kiss on the cheek, now his eyes were pooling with the happy tears.

"2 months" she said and he kept his hand on her stomach looking down at it. She let her hand over his and he looked up at her "will I ...get to be with him..or her" he asked with a vulnerable look knowing that now that they weren't together there was a possibility of him not getting to be with his child. "I'm not a monster rich you know that, Ofcourse you will" gabriela said and he hugged her again. "Woo!" He jumped up and down and ran around the house. "I'm going to be a father!" He screamed and gabriela rolled her eyes laughing at his reaction

She couldn't have asked for anything better than this. "Who else knows?"
"Just Alma" gabi said and he put his hands on his head. "Damn this is crazy" he repeated. He was so excited and watching him go nuts over the news even Gabriela was ready but she didn't look as crazy as he did with the news. He asked her so many questions and she patiently answered all. He didn't let her stand there for long giving her the real princess treatment now that she was carrying his baby.

"Are you scared?" He said sitting down facing her and she honestly answered "yes"

"I'm going to be here to help you every step of the way gabi, even though we aren't together we are going to make the coolest co parents the world has ever seen" he said coming closer to her and leaving a big kiss on her forehead. One side of her mouth curves in a small smile. "I want to say let's party! But I don't want the kid to get hurt cause we are partying"

"You're really overthinking it rich"

"I am Aren't I"

He hugged her again with the smile almost permanent.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now