Alternate ending -1

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A/ n : this it's a direct start from after they told their parents about the kid. This is before she meets neymar again so in this alternate story she never did and they never ended up together.

Emilia Baptista Andrade was born, Gabriela held her little girl in her arms and looked up at the father of the child who was in absolute awe of what they had in front of them. "ela é linda" (she's beautiful) Gabi whispered not wanting to make any noise. "Ela é nossa, claro que ela é" (she's ours, Of course she is) richarlison smiled softly before bending closer and placing a soft kiss on his ex-girlfriend's forehead. Watching her go through so much pain for this was a nightmare for him, now that their little girl was born they were more calm enjoying this moment.

He had always dreamt of having a child, specifically with Gabriela. When they broke up all of that crashed down but here he was in a room with the girl he hopelessly tried to get over and the baby that was going to bring them back together or so he hoped.

Life was only going uphill from now almost more than a year had passed, besides the chaotic lifestyle of richarlison he managed to always come over to Gabriela's and make sure their baby was okay. Gabriela moved into her own apartment. She knew how tough it was to take care of a child while maintaining a house and she didn't want to annoy Alma with the baby's cries at early mornings or midnight. The apartment was fairly large and it was so much more convenient for her. Richarlison and Gabi got in so many arguments about how she shouldn't be living alone. "What if something happens to you gabriela ! você não pode cuidar do bebê e ficar sozinha também" ( You can't take care of the baby and stay alone too) rich said closing the door of the room where their baby slept and moving to the living room. They whisper yelled their arguments both not wanting to wake the little girl.

"Rich I'm fine! I'm an adult I can take care of myself" she fought back. "Plus, mama is always talking about coming over to spend some time with Emilia. I'm not alone" she added, "what about when she leaves" he added, "well, i will figure it out!" they kept going at each other, "but..." he was going to fight back but shook his head "fine" he gave up and walked up to her. "I'm going now. Stay safe please" he said brushing past her and leaving the apartment. At moments like this Gabriela missed his touch, missed the way he would kiss her before he leaves and how he would cuddle her to sleep. It had been awhile as they managed to be a successful pair at co-parenting but regardless of what they made it seem like both of them were in a hell when it came to this love but neither wanting to address their feelings.

Richarlison was always afraid of missing the best moments of Em's life. Her first word, Her first step, Her first everything. He did miss a few of them but he always managed to be there for the rest of her life's important moments. Rich spent a lot of time with Gabi and he wanted her back so bad but he didn't pursue it because he knew that with a child in their life it was more complicated and as the relationship they had now was on good terms he was afraid to mess it up.

He went over to Gabriela's place, it was his day to keep the little one. "Em olha quem é " (look who it is) Gabriela said carrying the baby girl and Richarlison with a wide smile went up to the kid. Her chubby little face eyes widened stared at her father and once richarlison. He took the girl from Gabriela and gabi sighed as a small sign of relief after tirelessly looking after the kid. "Papai" she smiled.

"Say bye mami" richarlison said but instead of reciprocating the baby began crying. "no  bye no bye!" she pleaded as tears trickled down her red face. Both parents immediately attempted to calm their little girl down. She never had an issue with leaving with rich. Emilia reached out to stay in Gabi's hands instead and Gabi took her and it hurt richarlison a bit, he pushed it off understanding that his daughters bond with the mother was stronger. "Why baby?" Gabi cooed touching the little girls head.

"I want mami" She said with her thumb now in her mouth, Gabi looked at richarlison. "but today is your day to be with papai emi" Gabi said looking at richarlison but the baby girl shook her head. Richarlison also attempted to get Emilia but she didn't leave her mother's hands without turning red and crying endelssly. Rich sighed, "I'll see you guy's later then" he placed a kiss on Emilia's head and then unintentionally kissing Gabriela's too before leacving.

Time had passed and Emilia now had a change in heart and all she cried for was her father. Gabi walked up and down trying to get the girl to reduce her endless screaming but she couldn't so she called him up and told Richarlison about the scenario and he replied immediately saying he was on his way. After telling Emilia that her papai would be there soon the girl managed to be less of a crier.

By the time richarlison arrived Gabi had gotten Em to fall asleep and she was sitting in her room on her phone when she saw a shadow standing near her door "Jesus, you scared me" she closed her eyes and when she got a proper view she realized he had two suitcases with him. "sorry" he said as he looked at the baby monitor on her bedside cupboard. "What's that?" gabi scrunched her eyebrows referring to his suitcases and Rich's response began

"I'm going to stay with you guys, I don't want to regret not spending my time with my daughter Gab. She's mine just as much as she is yours and I want to be with her more often" He said and Gabriela didn't know how to respond. So she didn't.

He managed to put his stuff to a corner and Gabi went to make some coffee for herself. Richarlison followed her, "why aren't you saying anything?" He said moving closer to her and she turned to face him her head slightly tilted upward as he towered over her. "I could maybe use the extra helping hand with her" she said with a small smile and richarlison beamed with happiness and he wrapped his hands around the girls head pulling her closer for a hug. "Eu sabia que você adoraria me ter de volta, querida" (I knew you would love having me back babe) Gabi rolled her eyes at his egotistical mind but blood rushed up her cheeks as a slight blush painted her face.

The past year of their life was hectic and they spent a lot of time co-parenting as friends and it was okay but now that they had settled right into life it was almost as if every single feeling that they assumed went past them was running right back, the hug that would've been shared two months ago felt so different compared to the hug that they are sharing right now because now they are falling all over again but they're just afraid to say it.

"You're not sleeping on the couch"

"I know you want me in your bed but I don't mind the couch gab"

"I never offered you my bed"

" é por isso que eu estou ficando no sofá" (which is why i am staying on the couch)

"I'm joking rich I'm not gonna let my daughter think mami is a monster for making papai sleep on the couch"

"Her mami is a monster though"

"what? say that again and see what happens to you"

"see! monstro"

"stay on the floor, the couch is too good for you"

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now