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Gabriela returned to home that evening. She walked in and her mood was enough for alma to notice something bad happened at work. "You good?" Alma asked and gabriela replied. "Not really" going and taking a shower hoping that will make her feel more relaxed when deciding on what to do.

She walked out of her bathroom wiping her hair she took her phone to her hands.

You home?


I have some shitty news

R ❤️
Oh no
I'll come over tomorrow morning

Love you

She went and laid in bed looking at her ceiling right now she knew she had no option but to be the reporter for psg. She wasn't going  to quit She worked so hard on building a career and she wasn't going to leave it now.

She had faith in her relationship with richarlison so she didn't overthink it. A few months in France. She'd probably get breaks to return home in between and that was enough. She fell asleep soundly waiting to tell her boyfriend the news and hoping everything goes  smoothly

"Up up up gabriela your boyfriend is here" richarlison said shaking his girlfriend as if she were dead. She scrunched her eyes opening it to the sunlight "I've mastered waking you up" he said kissing her forehead. "You have but I'd like to sleep a little more" she said sitting up on the bed facing him. "I have practice gab, want to tell me the sad news you had" he said and she wiped her eyes.

"Um yeah yeah" she looked at him. "I have been stationed to France to work for psg" she looked at him and he made his eyes big. "Isn't that a good thing?" She shook her head. "I'm going to be away from papa and he's only getting worse and I'm going to be away from my family and alma and....you" he moved closer to her "we can survive a few months away" he kissed her and placed his forehead on hers. "I'm going to miss this though" she said. "When are you leaving"

"Two weeks"

"Okay then these are going to be the best two weeks of our lives"

Gabriela had a work day at home, she knew where richarlison spent his day doing a few workouts with a personal trainer for these few months. She sat infront of her laptop staring as a certain document but her head was only wondering about what he was doing. Gabriela shut her laptop, took her keys and drove.

Reaching the grounds where she saw people practicing she walked up and sat on the bleachers and watched as richarlison was dribbling the ball. She sat there and when he managed to notice she was here, he looked up and waved when some other guy stole the ball from him. Richarlison could see gabriela laugh from a distance before deciding her wanted to show off to his girlfriend on the stands.

Did he end up impressing her just like he did the first time they met? Yes he did. He said his byes to the people he trained with and walked towards Gabriela who was standing near her car. "eu estou suando" (I'm sweating) he said and she rolled her eyes "eu não ligo" (I don't care) giving him a hug followed by a small kiss.

"Where are we going?" He said getting into the vehicle. She said somewhere and just drove to a nearby beach. By now the night sky was falling and it was just past the sunset. "I missed the sunset" Gabriela said getting out of the vehicle. She removed her shoes and so did he before running onto the sand and he followed her. "One place I love to be, is here" Gabriela said her hair moving to the wind as she walked with richarlison on her side. "é calmante" (it's calming) he added.

"Vamos" (c'mon) she said moving towards the water as the sound of he waves crashed on the sand. The moon was their only source of light and the stars around it. A few sounds from the beach away from them were children with a bonfire laughing and running around.

Stamping their feet on the water which rolled up and down the beach. Gabriela smiled looking at rich. "Você parece adorável" (you look adorable) he said turning towards her to fix her hair that got In her face for the wind. One big wave crashed and pushed him forward and on instinct both his hands held her.

His shorts were covered in water and so was the edge of her dress. She moved away and suddenly to the wave currents she fell onto the sand and the following wave completely drowned her with water and richarlison couldn't help but laugh at her. "Help me up" she said reaching her hand out and he took it.

Before he could help her she pulled him down too. "Jokes on you for laughing at me" she said as the water pulled them further into ocean they flowed with the water both knowing how to swim obviously. As it got deeper she wrapped her legs around his waist while they floated in the water. Her hands around his neck and her wet hair getting in her face.

They moved further away from shore, the waves are less the further you go but the current was still there. Her grip on him got stronger and the only sound they heard now was the small splashes of the water as they moved. He placed his lips on hers and tasted the salt water as she slowly moved her hair away. "Does this mean my car seats are going to get wet?" She whispered and he chuckled. "eu esperava que você dissesse algo sexy"(I expected you to say something sexy)

"Que pena" (too bad) she muttered kissing him back again. After a moment they decided it was indeed getting late and swam to shore racing eachother to the vehicle. They got all her car seats wet with ocean water.

On the way home, gabriela was stuck on a traffic light. opposite them a family looked into the car and noticed richarlison. A little boy in the back rolled down his window with the most excited face. While still stuck in traffic gabriela watched as richarlison put his down too and waved at the boy who immediately took a phone out and attempted to take a selfie and rich posed. "qual é o seu nome?" (what's your name) richarlison asked and the boy answered immediately. "você é um dos meus jogadores favoritos" (you're one of my favorite players) the boy said back.

"It's an honor to be one" rich added waving at the boy who went crazy. His sister was now poking her head through the window and she waved back too. Their parents also stoked to see the footballer in person. "See you later" richarlison said as they drove off. Gabriela smiled through all of it proud of him.

"What?" He asked looking at his girlfriend who was still smiling. "Nothing I just find the fact that you're so good with kids really hot" she laughed and he looked out the window. "You would be an amazing dad one day" she added and he looked back at her and then her stomach. She was still focused on the road.

He slowly placed his hand on her stomach and she immediately looked at him, "what? No NO no I'm not pregnant" she laughed pushing his hand away. "What if you were?" He asked her and she looked back at the road. "Eu estou bem com qualquer coisa, o plano de Deus" (I'm fine with anything, God's plan)

A/n : my vacation is over rn and I have too much of work to juggle up on so I won't have time to spend on this book so imma finish it as soon as possible. Sorry for the end if y'all end up not liking it.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now