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I tried to find my way to richarlison but the team has immediately evacuated the spot as the stadium too was getting emptied by the minute.

I rushed to the vehicles once I found Alma and she didn't ask any questions. Alma and I became friends after neymar and I had broken up. She never knew anything regarding my relationship with him but that we were on good terms and she respected that privacy.

Seeing me talk to him she didn't question it but she went along with me to the hotel. The ride was silent and painful. I walked in to my hotel room and I rushed to the floor which richarlison was on. I knew he was broken too because he worked so hard for all of this just as much as neymar did.

I rushed up to his room as the boy was on the floor his head buried in his hands. He looked up at me when I walked in his eyes redder than ever, they were pooled up in tears that he was holding back. I saw him on the field earlier holding his tears just like this as his eyes turned red, neymar was open about his emotions but richarlison was bottling it up.

The first thing I asked him was if he wanted me to leave him alone, give him his space but he didn't reply. I sat on the floor with him. "Don't hold it in rich, cry. You should feel the way you feel right now and holding it in isn't going to make it go away." I said as my hand rubbed his back. He looked toward me "I want to cry but I can't I just feel angry, like I didn't do enough" richarlison looked as the tears began spilling.

" c'mon don't put this on you. You did everything you could. Life comes with it's disappointments okay, through this World Cup you amazingly became known to everyone not because of anything but the fact that you worked hard" he nodded, he wiped his tears and took a deep breath.

"I don't want you to see me like this" he added, "well too bad, I saw you" I said giving him a peck on his lips. "I'm going back down, if you need anything let me know. Don't bottle it up rich it's okay to be hurting" I said as I stood up from my spot and walked away "thank you" he muttered quickly before I left. "You have nothing to thank me for" I left.

The people fell asleep and woke up in the hopes of feeling better but in honesty, it was still the same. Alma ordered two tickets back to Brazil and I looked through my phone.

How is Lucas doing?

The same, he'll be alright

Mr. Boss
Amazing speech you gave to neymar ms.Gabriela, the response we are getting from that is impeccable. Keep it up.

I rolled my eyes, comforting him was all I needed to do and as he mentioned the better the response the more the gossip tabloids will begin their stories about neymar and I and might even drag Richarlison into it.

We saw you on tv, couldn't have said it better Gabriela

I'm coming home tonight mama

Thank you for talking to neymar gabs, none of us could've gotten to him the way you did

No worries at all raf

You leaving today?


Come with us, we have extra tickets

I can't leave alma alone

Ask her to come with

"Hey Alma can we get a refund for the tickets"I asked and she said we could but confused she asked why. "We can go with the team if you'd like" I somehow managed to get my best friend jumping up and down. "No way! Gabriela keep fucking players so that we get shit like this" she hugged me. "Ew no what the hell alma" she proceeded to tell me she was joking as she packed her things in excitement.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now