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Third person POV

After Maria's parents came the four of them had dinner while the little girl was fast asleep the whole night. Her mother managed to wake her up to feed her some food and they decided it was getting late and it was time to leave. Richarlison's best friend and him were talking for quite a bit and managed to say their goodbyes.

"It was so nice to meet you gabriela" they said hugging her and saying there goodbyes.

You with richarlison right now?

Yep, what's up?

Can you ask him to pick his phone

It's dead apparently wait I'll give him mine

Richarlison took Gabriela's phone and called his sister. "What's up?" He said, his sister managed to say that the youngest rian hadn't been selected for some team he had been trying to get in for and had been extremely sad. Kettima was asking if richarlison could come and take him out or something to cheer him up. Richarlison said he felt a bit tired so gabriela offered to go pick rian up and bring him over to Richarlison's place

Once she reached the house she took her phone out calling the number she got from Kettima. "Ola Rian, it's Gabriela." Gabi asked him to come out and he did taking a seat in the car he fake smiled looking at her. "You doing okay?" Gab asked him and he nodded, "I'm fine" almost monotonous. "Well I'm going to take you and your brother out tonight, my treat" she said trying to cheer him up. "You don't have to" rian muttered.

She opened the door to richarlisons house and rian followed behind, "irmãozinho" (little bro) richarlison said hugging his brother. Gabriela stayed away knowing they would probably want a time of their own. Richarlison being in the football industry would give the younger brother more advice about failures when it comes to it and gabriela felt like she would intrude so stayed in the living room.

About half an hour past, it was already pretty late. Gabriela walked up to them who seemed as if they were done talking. "You guys tired or down to go outside?" Gabi asked. "Whatever rian wants" Richarlison said standing up and coming towards gabriela. "I don't mind going out" rian said trying to do whatever he could to get his mind off the sad news even though his brother gave him the best advice he could ask for about life and it's rollercoaster.

Gabriela smiled, she looked at richarlison. "Are you okay or are you still feeling tired? Because I can take him out and return him home safely" gabriela said giving big sister vibes. "você tem certeza?" (Are you sure?)He questioned her back, "yes I promise" She said giving him a kiss on his cheek. Richarlison went to his brother, "I'm not feeling too well rian. Gabriela said she can take you." He said and rian replied "yes" with a silent cheer

"You're not even trying to steal her you idiota" richarlison pushed him and rian laughed. "I can't steal her bro she looks at you like you're the prize. She's just damn gorgeous though" he said and gabriela didn't hear what he said but he looked at her and smiled so she smiled back. "You ready?" She asked and the brother nodded.

"I'll make sure he doesn't go overboard" gabriela walked up to her boyfriend and kissed him again before leaving the house with riane to go to a bar. "How old are you again?" Gabriela asked as they walked into a bar the lights dimmed and place filled with people. "21" he muttered. Taking a seat at the bar gabriela ordered herself a cocktail and rian something stronger. "When did you and my brother meet?" He asked, "about 6 months ago now that I think about it" gabriela answered.

"Do you have a sister?" He asked gabriela, "what if I did?" She looked and he smirked "if you did I would ask you if she was single?" Gabi laughed, "I saw that coming, I don't have a sister but I do have a married brother" she added. "If you're looking for a girl rian, that girl there looks really pretty" she said eyeing some girl who sat alone on the opposite side of the bar. "I don't have enough drinks in me to talk to her" rian added.

"Nice eye though my official wingwoman. Richarlison could never be this cool" the younger brother said taking a sip of his drink. "Oh he's cooler, he's probably being a usual older brother when he's with you" gabi smiled. "I'm literally taller than him" rian rolled his eyes. "No trust me I hate my older brother sometimes because he's the biggest snitch"

As if they were two long lost siblings gabriela and rian got along. She pushed him to try talk to the girl but he was too shy. But once a few drinks were in him his confidence boosted, "I'm going. I'm going." He said standing up and walking but turning around and coming back. "Im not" he said again. "Oh my god" gabriela threw her face in her hands. While gabriela sat there some guy walked up to her, "hi" the man smirked and she looked back confused, "is this beautiful lady taken or..." the man said and before before gabriela rejected him rian spoke.

"She's my brother's! BACK OFF" the guy apologized and walked away and a few seconds later Gabriela Burst into laughter. "You shoulda seen your face, você olhou para ele como 'que porra é essa'" (you looked at him like 'what the fuck')
"I was like what the fuck bro, no one's stealing Rich's girlfriend" he said. "Okay no you!" She pointed at him "go and talk to her!" Gab pushed him and at some point he ended up going up to her.

Gabriela watched as the girl smiled talking to the boy and somehow he managed to spend most of the night with that girl and gabriela took her phone out.

I'm the best wingwoman babe

I was just about to sleep
How are u guys doing

He's so sweet
And I think he found some thing that will not make him think much about the sad news

How are you?

Kind of missing you

R ❤️
Kind of?

Okay fine
Missing you

eu te amo
(I love you)

eu te amo mais
(I love you more)
You're probably going to be sleeping when I get back

Highly possible

You have something tomorrow aswell
So I'll drop rian there and go home

No stay over
Go home in the morning
Don't do unsafe bullshit again

Noted boss
Tomorrow morning to avoid death


autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now