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It's been 2 days with no sign of contact with either boy

Gabriela sat alone in her room with her phone beside her just thinking about what happened to her. She was sitting there with a choice of a man who broke her heart and came back with the most well crafted speech that honestly couldn't stop her from thinking whether going back to him is something she shouldn't stop herself from doing, or was it just the emotions of her boyfriend not trusting her that was getting the best of her.

Gabi was more confused than she could've ever been but her face was still upright with no emotion on it whatsoever. Just her head going through with so many unending thoughts about Richarlison and Neymar. "FUCK" she screamed in annoyance releasing most of her pent up anger. "Fuck" she muttered the second time more softly as her head fell onto her hands. Richarlison didn't reply to her texts and didn't pick her phone calls

He said let's end this here and have the conversation later. She was wondering if he meant end their relationship as a whole.

Richarlison's pov

I made a mistake. I made a huge fucking mistake. I sat in my bedroom with a splitting headache from the night before. I kissed a girl I didn't know at some night club and it didn't go further from that but I knew I made a huge mistake. I said all that shit to Gabi only to be the person doing the same fucking thing.

I didn't know what to do as I stared at my phone with her contact on it. I don't know why I did it but I pressed the call button

Calling princesa...

She picked almost immediately and said hello in her angelic voice and I muted the call. I looked at the wall on the side of me as my eyes were filling up with tears " Richarlison, if you're not talking to me I'm going to hang up" she said and I wanted to throw my phone away just remembering what I did to her.

I had my doubts about her and what she did with Neymar but now when I replay her voice in my head begging to be believed I hated myself for reacting the way that I did. "I'm hanging up" she said before ending the call

I groaned in anger and threw my phone. A few minutes later I went back and took it to my hand and thankfully it wasn't broken. Called her again.

"Richarlison I'm not going to pick up and just wait until you unmute yourself" she said first as she picked the phone. "Gabi I made a mistake" I said and she replied, "why? what happened" she sounded scared and more sincere.

I was going to tell her what I did but my head my brain said don't "I'm sorry for not listening to you gab" I said to her and I could hear her sigh. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you" I said again. "I shouldn't have accused you of anything, I was just taken a back and so shocked by all"

"Yeah" she muttered. "Do you accept my apology?" I asked her and she didn't say anything, "if you're nodding you need to tell me babe" I said and she chuckled softly. "Yeah"
"Okay then" I said, "I'll get my shit together and call you again" I ended the call and just told up going to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I just couldn't help but hate what I did.

I made a mistake in my full conscience, I did it because I was so full of anger over something that might've not even been true. I wanted to punch the mirror and scream but instead I collected my anger.

Neymar's pov

I haven't seen Gabriela ever since that night, she didn't talk to me. We had a few matches but I think the second reporter was working on them this time. I knew she was in her hotel room and I wanted to go but I didn't because she clearly needed her space. I stood in the elevator and it opened to her. She looked at me and  then the floor as she walked in.

"Hi" I said and she repeated, When the door opened we both walked out and I saw my son running towards me. "Papai" he screamed and I hugged him tight. Carolina had dropped him off here to stay with me for a day or two. I carried him in my hands and saw Gabriela walking outside of the hotel. "Papai?" Davi said and my eyes went from Gabi to him. "Yes?"

"Can we chase gabriela and see what she's doing?" The kid said and I laughed. "você realmente é meu filho" (you really are my son) I said putting the fella over my shoulders and running behind her. She suddenly turned to face a little boy with his cheers and me panting. "Oh hiii What's up davi" she smiled widely as my son reached out to her and she took him into her hands.

"Papai wanted to say hi" Davi lied. "Did you papai ?" Gabriela said looking at me. I scrunched my eyebrows at my son and his little tactics. "I did Yeah" i said as Davi's face lit up as if he won a lottery. "Where are you going?" Davi asked her and she replied. "Just somewhere to get some food" she said looking around.

"Can Papai and I come?" Davi asked and I could tell she had a slight amount of discomfort. "No Davi-" I tried to stop but she cut me off. "Yeah why not" she said helping Davi down and walking holding his hand infront of me. While walking for a few minutes we heard a sudden click and then progressively saw the increase of paparazzi with their cameras coming towards them from the front. Davi didn't like it and Gabriela noticed because he squeezed her hand tight.

She quickly looked at me, "let's go back Ney" she said and Davi soon moved next to me and my protective side placed my left my arm on Gabriela's lower back to make her move infront of Me. We tried waking as soon as we could but obviously a few cameras caught up to us. I carried Davi as he hid his head in my chest. "It's okay buddy"

"Neymar Neymar!"
"Are you and Gabriela together?"
"Ney! Do you and Richarlison get along?"

They screamed and asked all on top of eachother. I ignored all of it, Gabriela did too and she managed to reach the door of the hotel where a few security guards managed to push the nosy people away and let us in. "What do we do now?" Davi said looking at Gabi. "I'm going to order some room service and eat Davi" she said and he smiled. "I'm coming" he said going with her.

I stood there just watching her with him. He missed her as much as I did and I let him go with her returning to my own hotel room.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now