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The next day she went with richarlison to meet her father. She knew it was going to be hard but she went anyway. Speaking to the place she was told his room as she and her ex walked to it. He kept his arm on her back and rubbed it to console her before they went in

"Is my food here?" the man, her father asked. She took a seat next to the chair where her papa sat, he looked old and weary. "Oh you're not here with my food are you sweetheart?" he didn't recognize her. "You look so familiar" he said looking at her and she didn't know what to say. "You're food is on the way" she smiled and he looked up at Richarlison. "Oh wait! This guy was on my tv 5 minutes ago" he said looking at rich and gabriela looked up at richarlison too and then back to her father.

He nodded, "oh really that's cool, we came here to meet someone, her father" he said keeping his hand over her shoulder as he stood behind her chair. "Oh really? Do I know him if he's around this place?" Her father asked and she quickly wiped the pool in her eyes. "You might I'm not sure" she said her voice breaking. "I wanted to tell him I was pregnant but I can't find him" she lied, he was there but he didn't know who this girl he raised was. The girl he protected with his whole heart as a little kid. His only daughter he never got to walk down the isle or to see her kids. "Oh you will find him im sure!" He said tapping her hand.

"You two seem very happy so congratulations filha" he added, "Se eu fosse seu pai, ficaria muito feliz em ver você e seu famoso marido com um filho." (If I were your father I would be so happy to see you and your famous husband with a child) they didn't say anything but smiled. "It was nice to meet you" richarlison said and he nodded, "you too! Good luck finding your father and telling him the amazing news" he finally smiled and Gabriela stood from her chair. She faked a smiled before leaving the room and crying. Richarlison comforted her and took her home.

( a/n : Just saying if you don't like the character she ends up with in the book, starting from this spot the alternate ending chapters are there )

Her baby bump wasn't very visible but it was there now, everyone she knew and loved that were close to her were so happy with the news. Except one person left to tell.

I'm coming back to Brazil tonight

That's great

Do you want to meet up tomorrow?

You can come to my place if that's easier

Will be there

He did show up at her house the next day. She opened the door to Neymar with a small bouquet of Lillie's in his hand. "What's this?" Gabi smiled taking the flowers to hers. "New neymar starting fresh" he said and she invited him in. She was wearing an oversized hoodie so he had no way of seeing her little baby bump.

"Did you miss me?" He asked and she rolled her eyes. "Not one bit" she lied. Sometimes she did think of what would happen when he found out and how he would take it. She missed him just a little bit. "Bullshit" he said moving with her to the kitchen where she took a water glass from her cupboard and filled it. She also took a wine glass and poured some onto it and Neymar watched. "Why only one glass?" He asked when she gave that one glass to him. Before she could say anything her roommate walked out of her room.

"Gabriela the father of your child is pestering me to check up on you every ten minutes can you please kill him for me, thank you" Alma said before going back to her room upstairs. She didn't see that Neymar had come and just assumed Gabriela was downstairs alone. Neymar looked at Gabi and then his wine glass, then her tummy, then her face then his wine glass again. "Surprise?" She said and he was in shock.

"You're pregnant" he states the fact. "Yes"
"Richarlison?" He asked and she nodded, "wait before the questions." He shook his head "Come here" he said when she walked up to him and he gave her a hug. He kissed her head and congratulated her as she hugged him back. "Are you guys together again?" She shook her head no.

"Wait that hug wasn't enough" he smiled and hugged her again. "I'm happy for you" he said now the shock wearing off and his genuine happiness plastered on. "você vai ser uma mãe tão gostosa" (you're gonna be such a hot mom) he added and she pushed him away jokingly. "Idiota" she smiled going back to the kitchen.

"eu estou sério" (I'm serious) she mimicked him. He laughed. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. "God is it another long speech" she took a sip from her glass of water. "You love my speeches" he told her and she shook her head. "no I don't"

"Yes you do" he fought, "okay then go ahead" she laughed. "It's not a long one but I just wanted to say I couldn't wait to come see you...and even though you're pregnant with a kid that's not mine, which will eventually happen" he winked. "I'm so down to be a step dad because you have been the best mom to my son and he's not even yours. I'm so fucking ready Gabriela. You, me and richarlison would be the power parents for real" she laughed at the last comment.

"I'll think about it" she smiled with a small blush on her cheeks. "You're thinking about it right now aren't you" he said walking closer to her. "Of what?"she played the fool.

"Of kissing me" he whispered into her ear. "Shut up" she turned around but he held her hand and turned her back facing him. He kissed her, like he meant every word he ever said that day. Like they were meant to be where they were, like he was going to marry this girl in his hands and take care of her child and have an amazing little family. A smaller sibling for davi who was so fond of both richarlison and Gabriela. Their eyes closed and mouths saying the words they both meant through this kiss. He was going to give his all to her and never let her go through what he made her go through years ago. He was in love again and he knew she was with him for good now

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now