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Months have passed and her stomach is now very visible to everyone that has seen her. Media made a huge deal about everything but both richarlison and Neymar didn't let any of it get into her head to keep her both mentally and physically healthy. When richarlison found out the two of them were back together he was happy that she managed to find stable love again and he was happy he didn't need to see some douche be the dad to his kid but to see someone he knew and admired instead.

Richarlison had gotten over Gabriela with the time that slowly passed by them. He once told her " I'll have to accept the fact that we're done. I kept going back, looking at our memories and hoping that one day we'd get to relive them. But reality kicked in and I realize you're not mine anymore." She gave him a comforting hug reminding him that she will always be there as his friend and mother of his child and everything that ended with them ended for the good and in time he would find his special someone.

Gabriela turned on her phone, her wallpaper being richarlison and Neymar on either side of her. Her head leaning on neymars chest and her baby bump was slightly visible in her dress. These were the two men that was now her family. Lucas called Neymar who was sitting on her bed next to her and she looked at his phone confused as to why her brother was calling her boyfriend and not her. "Ola Lucas" he picked up. He quickly walked out of the the room leaving Gabriela curious and confused.

She got up slowly and walked next to him. He kept the phone down and looked at her. "por que meu irmão está ligando para você?" (why is my brother calling you?) she questioned and he walked up to her slowly either hand on the side of her hands holding her. "He didn't want you to get to scared with the baby and all gabi"

"What happened" she already began panicking. "Your papa...he passed away" he said when she looked into his eyes. She knew this time would come and she knew the pain it would cause, she had lost him from the time he as diagnosed with Alzheimers but to know he was really gone now pained her and neymar tried his best to not let her feel it. He hugged her tight and comforted her to at night and the morning after that and the morning after that.

He was feeding her some food one day when they were both having the conversation about her now lost father after his funeral and all were completed. "The first time I dated you and he met me, the time he realized we were serious he gave me a small 'father talk' which I never told you about" he said and Gabriela moved the hair away from her face taking another bite and listening intently. " he told me that you were his little flower and that if I broke your heart that he would hunt be down but that he trusted me with you. He said one day he'd be so happy to see his daughter and hand her over to me at the alter and to see you grow into a beautiful family and make him the best grandfather ever. He said he saw the love in our eyes the way he was when he fell in love with your mama and that he wished us all the best in our life." She was tearing now and he wiped it off her face.

"He's definitely up there looking down at this perfect life we have" he said kissing her tear stained cheek. "I'm sure he is"

One month later

Gabriela's water broke, Neymar called richarlison and drove to the hospital soon taking the small bag which she had pre packed knowing the day was soon. It was like a chain effect where all the families found out. Richarlison called alma, alma to luis, luis to their mama. Richarlison calling his own family to let them know his kid was on the way. Neymar calling Rafaela who told nadine who was so excited for Gabriela. Neymar was terrified of a Gabriela who was screaming in pain.

Rushing to the hospital they took her in a Wheel chair and Neymar met richarlison there. "Dude go!" He said since the father had to be with the mother of the child. Richarlison did the sign of the cross before running after her. Before you know it the rest of the family arrived and saw Neymar Sitting down on a chair his head I'm his hands praying nothing bad had happed. Rian had bought a small balloon with a picture of a new born kid on it. Neymar looked at rian and rian dapped him up. "My brother got your girl pregnant didn't he" he said and Neymar looked at him with a 'what's wrong with you' look that made rian try to hold his laughter

"eu vou engravidar sua garota se você não calar a boca" (I'll get your girl pregnant if you don't shut up) Neymar was stressed out. Richarlison walked out of the room and Gabriela's mama stood quickly. "God my eyes are traumatized I don't know if I was supposed to look it was-" he was cut off my Neymar. "o que aconteceu sua vadia burra" (what happened dumb bitch) he looked at Gabriela's and Richarlison's family apologizing for his language but they too were on his side trying to scold richarlison for not saying it right

"Oh yeah yeah. I'm a father to a healthy baby" he threw his hands in the air and the rest of the family hugged eachother cheering with a smile but getting scolded by a few nurses of be quiet near the childrens ward. "A healthy baby what?" Neymar asked.

"Human what else" richarlison replied.

"No you idiot"

"Oh oh a baby girl"

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now