Alternate ending - 3

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"why so random?" she raised her eyebrows, "just"

"i mean i haven't spoken to him in months. Once he found out i was having Emilia he offered his full support but he said he didn't want to come in the way of our family because he assumed once i told you, you and I would get back together. He said we deserved to be one happy family." She said looking down before looking back up to face me. The way she spoke just made me feel like she wanted us to be together again and I was just being a horrible guy by not realizing that when she told me the news.

"He's with Bruna now, I met her a few times and honestly I'm really happy for him. She gets along with Davi amazingly and is a really nice person" She added, "Gab" I said and she put some dishes into the dishwasher humming to let me know she was listening. "Do you want to go with me to this function as like my date" I asked and she took a moment before jokingly answering, "I'll think about it"

"você não pode recusar nada quando se trata de mim" (you can't refuse anything when it comes to me) I said and she just rolled her eyes, "watch me" she said and i immediately added, "I'm kidding Linda, just come with me" and she agreed. Rian promised to take care of Emilia and we trusted him with it because of how well he got along with her and because this wasn't the first time we had to use Rian as a babysitter.


she took some time to get dressed and so I wore a white shirt and a black blazer standing outside looking at a mirror when from the corner of my eye I saw her through the mirror in the most gorgeous long dress, her back was widely opened as the top had a haltered neck. This is what i missed out on having the past few years and this is the woman I fought so hard to get back from Ney and when I had the chance right infront of me I gave it up because i'm such an idiot. she smiled, "take a picture it'll last longer'

"mental pictures were taken, some adjustments made too" I winked and she tried hiding her blush but to me her feelings were an open book. she went into Emilia's room and kissed the sleeping little baby girl's forehead and thanked Rian again for staying over before she walked up to me. We both left the apartment and got into my vehicle as we made our way to the place. The car ride wasn't awkward but it was quiet, we would randomly talk about Em and only our arrangements with our daughter before we arrived. fancy dressed people, fancy music, fancy food and booze. everything was way out of my comfort zone. Met with a few familiar faces and had a few conversations. I didn't really want to be there and I think that was evident on my face.

After some time I looked at Gabriela and she flashed me a soft smile. " you dont seem the happiest" she whispered. "I wasn't going to come" i told her honestly and she looked into my eyes. "do you want to stay here? " she asked and i took a moment before answering. "no"

"I have an idea" she added and the next thing you know Gabriela and I was sitting in fancy clothes in a Mcdonalds outlet eating burgers and fries. Almost every conversation we had for the past year was to do with Emilia and it had been ages since i was able to remember the feeling of the two of us sharing our days with eachother and in detail descriptions of the interesting stuff. Here we were today shockingly back to normal. As if one day just changed everything, just her and I and burgers were enough to bring a comfortable enough environment for the two of us.

A few laughs came out of her and her dimples made me want to just smash my lips on hers in McDonald's just then but I controlled myself. Leaving a few comments which she would have considered inappropriate got her blushing and throwing fries at me. Making our way back home because Gabi felt bad for Rian, He asked us why we returned so early but both of us just didn't give him a straight answer. thanking him again he gave us a hug before leaving

third person's pov

Gabriela was really thirsty, she removed her heels and made her way to the kitchen with her long dress dragging on the wooden floor. The corner of her dress has a wide split revealing her leg. Richarlison watched as she moved so smoothly and removed the blazer he wore over his white shirt. "Coffee?" He asked when he followed her to the kitchen. He stopped for a second just to admire what she looked like and that was eating him up on the inside. She drank her water and once she returned the glass back onto the counter "yes please" she said but before she turned to face him she felt the presence of the tall man behind her it hitched her breath so she didn't turn around.

his hand didn't fully place itself on her skin but his finger did, starting from her hand it trailed upwards and even that light touch just bought so many shivers down every spot it moved pass. Her head tilted sideways as his hand now reached her neck. She slowly turned to face him and he had a slight smirk on his face. "richarlison" she whispered, Gabi didn't know why she said his name but she felt like she just needed to say something. His hand now placed itself on her back where the skin to skin contact once again made her want to fold as her eyes closed tightly. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and she dragged her hands from his shoulders to his neck pulling him in closer as they searched through each-others eyes.

Starting with a small peck richarlison moved in first, the peck turned to two and getting familiar with the taste of each other slowly it escalated. It had been years but that kiss made it feel like they only split yesterday. they immediately began heavily kissing eachother. Both of the ancient feelings they attempted to bury resurfaced as his lips were pressed hard against hers while, their tongues began fighting for dominance. His hands gripped her back right as her body was pressed against his. He carried her effortlessly and placed her on the counter and to take a breath they both stopped.

Gabi took her hands away from the man slowly savoring his body and the feeling as she did and just stared at him as he did her. Did they just kiss? Both of their minds were still high on the moment before them. They looked at each other and she sighed deeply and Richarlison just turned around taking the coffee pot to his hand and pouring it in a cup. The tension was wild as both of them remained quiet.

He turned back forgetting about the coffee and moved up to her again. "Fuck it" he muttered. It happened and he was happy, why stop there? Now their bodies closer to eachother as he moved inbetween her legs. An evident smile appeared on her face when she realized he wanted her just as much as she did right now. She wrapped her legs around him, one side of her dress had a slit revealing her entire leg as it made it's way around his waist. His hands moved to her butt and he carried her up she stopped kissing his lips to instead move to his neck leaving love bites.

he reached her room and dropped her onto the bed and he smiled cheekily before towering over her, "are we really doing this again?" She managed to ask him while her hands cupped his face. "been wanting to it for too damn long baby" Richarlison replied before unzipping her dress. He admired her body from every side. She was perfect in his eyes. To her he was as she unbuttoned his shirt throwing it off the bed as they didn't let seconds pass by while he kissed her. Moans escaping her mouth her lips curved into a smile as she loved every second of it and the moment he felt that he was satisfied.

"You missed this so much didn't you" he said in between kisses lips pressed against hers while words escaped through the side. "Shut up" she added on pulling him closer to her but then pushing him over and instead she got up on him and strangled his waist with her legs and he looked up at her with a smirk indication how much he enjoyed this. Her kisses went from his mouth to his neck and lower until it reached below.

"Emilia's going to be having hella lot of siblings"

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now