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Going home I managed to help the video editors with the lighting and the captions that were needed to be added. They were going to release it as soon as they were done which I assume they would've done by the time I reached mg hotel room. Changing to my pjs, doing my skincare, replying to richarlisons texts I fell asleep. When I woke up my phone was buzzing uncontrollably.

Immediately taking it I saw that it came from all the socials. Usually not being bothered by it I just didn't go to open it and went to the bathroom and had a wash. When I returned my phone was still beeping with notifications so I opened instagram. Gossip tabloids tagging me in posts which showed picture of Neymar and I and the headline I read was "video of Neymar and his rumored ex goes viral" i scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

Obviously TikTok would have the answers so I went to the app and found a video with millions of likes. It was an edit of Neymar and I from yesterdays press. Of me laughing to his jokes and him Acting like a complete idiot of him giving me a hug and a kiss. the caption read "the way he looks at her when she smiles 🥹"
"What the fuck" I muttered before seeing articles about it and a few articles speculating rumors about me cheating on richarlison.

A few fans on my Dms threatening me with violent words and calling me a cheater for something I didn't even do. I read through a few some of which teriffied me. Someone banged on my door loudly and that was enough to send shivers down my spine wondering who it could be. I opened it slowly and Neymar looked at me and the phone in my hands. "You've seen it?" he questioned. "I've seen Too much" I replied still going through my phone. "Why the fuck did they start this shit, everything was going good and ..." I wanted to blame him.

I wanted to but it wasn't something he could've controlled. I groaned calling richarlison who didn't pick my phone up. That stressed me out. Neymar was also on his phone I'm assuming scrolling through similar stuff. "Fuck" he said. "Why what happened" I poked my nose into his phone trying to see what he just read.

"Gabriela Baptista, reporter for PSG who was reportedly dating Richarlison Andrade caught cheating. Sources say Neymar Jr was seen to go to her hotel room late at night and with the current video of the two spreading everyone has been trying to figure out why she would publicly embarrass the Tottenham footballer."

Neymar's pov

She was pissed and when she's pissed it's not something anyone would want to see, I was pissed too because as much as I would love her to be mine again the way the media was portraying her right now was annoying me. Both of us were equally hot tempered people.

Gabriela began throwing her hands in the air and scolding the media in portugese. She took her phone and kept trying to call her boyfriend who wouldn't pick her calls. She sat down on her bed and was scrolling more and I noticed it was her instagram DMs. More than being annoyed now she looked scared, sad, hated she was good at covering it up but I knew she was reading all the hate messages, death threats and everything bad.

I pulled the phone away from her hands. "Neymar" she said looking up at me with a death glare and I put the phone in my back pocket "pare de ler essa merda. eu sei que você só vai ficar mais triste e acreditar nessas crianças que estão com ciúmes" (stop reading that shit I know you're just going to get sadder and believe all those kids who are just jealous) I said and she stood up trying to take her phone back. "Neymar this isn't a joke and those aren't kids those are adults calling me uma prostituta traidora que deveria morrer na rua ( a cheating whore she should die on the streets) she said to him.

"Why are you reading them when you know they're not true!" I said as she tried to fight me for her phone but I held both her hands together right and looked down at her she wasn't nearly strong enough to break my grip. "Let me go neymar" she said sternly. "Stop reading that bullshit. Richarlison knows you and he knows you're not going to cheat on him just calm the fuck down and stop listening to random people on the internet"

I'm a person who receives frequent hate for everything I do and I know what it feels like to be belittled and how you would end up trying your best to please these strangers but it's just impossible. I went through the few videos that had a lot to say about gabriela being a bitch and i felt like throwing a bus at all of them because they didn't know who they were talking about. Some people which I'm sure are little kids made edits of the two of us somehow finding out old photos about how we are  'meant to be' and some had made Richarlison vs Neymar ones too.

She has told me enough to leave her alone and when I'm finally doing that and somehow life decides to fuck us up and make shit line this happen. I texted my PR manager and a few other people asking how we were going to react to these posts from today. Either posting about how it's fake or sending out a statement saying it's not true to some journalist or just not responding.

Her phone began ringing and I took it out of my pocket.

R❤️ calling...

It said and I knew I shouldn't be here for this conversation so I left her alone returning her phone hoping that when I come back she wouldn't be as sad as she was when I left her because I hate seeing her like that. Richarlison better not ruin it for himself, she only gave me one chance and it's my biggest regret not using it properly.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now