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Neymar walked up to gabi again he was tipsy or maybe even pretty drunk as they sang music. "Nossa Nossa, Assim você me mata" he began dancing on his own as Gabriela just sang the song too vibing to the music until her phone buzzed letting her know richarlison was outside. the music softening as she got further away from the spot somehow managing to enjoy the music a bit as she went to get him.

She walked outside opening the door for him as he immediately greeted her with a kiss, "sentiu minha falta?" (Missed me?) He smiled with a little toy in his hands for Bruno. "Maybe a little" gabi said. "You missed the birthday boy rich, he's asleep" Gabriela walked in as a few people turned to see the new guy walking towards them.

Luis turned around and Gabriela could say mentally he just dropped his jaw. He excused himself from the guests and walked up to gabi and richarlison. "Luis this is richarlison, richarlison this is my brother Luis" camila followed and the introduction was made again. "Got this for your little one" he said giving camila the toy. "Aw thanks you didnt have to"Richarlison spotted neymar and went and hugged his teammate.

He took a seat on the bar and Gabriela sat next to him, she leaned onto his body and looked at the boy, "are you tired?" She asked softly knowing he just finished whatever he had. "Not when I see you" he said and she rolled her eyes, "so cheesy"

"So you guys are dating?" Camila almost whispering asked so no one else would poke their nose into something that wasn't their business. Richarlison and Gabriela looked at eachother. "Unofficially" Gabriela said still looking at richarlison and he flashed a smile. One of Luis's long time friends who was like a brother to Gabriela gave her a hug and then seeing richarlison almost freaked but got his shit together.

"How the fuck does Luis get basically the best of the brazil team?" He whispering asked Gabriela. "He doesn't" she whispered back. "I do" she almost boasted with a smile and he made his eyes big. "Introduce me to them" he whispered back as she looked at richarlison who was in conversation with someone else.

"Rich" Gabriela said rubbing his back and he immediately turned around and looked, "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting babe but someone really wants to say hi to you" she said with her face scrunched up feeling bad for interrupting his conversation. "Of course" he said turning around. If it wasn't noticeable enough difference no. 3 between richarlison and neymar, richarlison didn't let Gabriela wait.
for now at least.

"Rich this is Luis's friend" he shook the guys hand, "that GOAL" the guy immediately said and richarlison scoffed with a laugh, "foi fantastico" (it was fantastic) he said "Obrigada"(thank you) rich said as the guy went on and richarlison seemed like he needed saving from the conversation so Gabriela quickly pretended she needed him for a minute and got him out of it.

"Sorry he really wanted to meet you" gabi added. "Don't worry about it, these are the issues that come with a boy as cool as me" he said putting his arm over her shoulder. She at this moment couldn't even remember neymar being there. He on the other hand was too drunk to do anything someone had taken him to the guest room where he passed out. Maybe he had seen Gabriela and Richarlison together and decided drinking the problem off was his solution.

The finals game was tomorrow and it was going to be massive. The boys initially wanted to fly to watch it but rather stay away from all the media. So they got together at a hotel which played the finals on a big screen with bean bags, chairs, cocktail tables and a bar. The past week has been so many outings for Gabriela and she wanted to stay home but Alma convinced her to come watch the match because not everyday will you get to watch the World Cup finals.

After much convincing she yet decided she'd rather stay and watch from home than the gathering. "Suit yourself" alma muttered before going out to watch it. She turned the television on and changed the Chanel watching the Argentinians and French all ready for the game.

Aren't you coming?

Nope :/ I'm watching from home tho

Damn it
It's fine


You're not coming with richarlison to watch the game?

Why do you care

Gosh, you don't have to be such a bitch about it

I'm sorry Ney
No I'm not. I'll watch from home :/

It's fine

No you can't reply so dryly now I feel bad

Maybe you should


Haha jokes idc
Have fun at home you loner
I'm gonna party all night
Find myself a girl in the bar 😉

Bye 😂
Have fun finding someone who would be willing to put up with you

I found you didn't I ?

And then you lost me 💀

Dark and bitter humor
eu odeio isso
(I hate that)

Shut up and watch the match

I can multitask

Well I can't
Bye !

Ney calling...

"Halftime two goals" he said as soon as she picked. "Kylian is going to score neymar" gabriela said both of them watching the screen. "Hm true possible" he agreed. "Hold on a sec"

Calling rich...

"Hey gab" he spoke, "are you seeing this?" She asked, "Argentina winning, si I am. Mbappe might score tho I feel it" he added, "That's what I said!" She laughed. "Okay game starting call you back" she ended the call and went back to watching.

Ney calling...

He called and she picked but they were both silent watching the game take place until as predicted mbappe scores and she heard the crowd from the other end of the telephone scream as she jumped in the air. "NEY I TOLD YOU!" She squealed. "GABI?! Did you see?!" He said yelling from the opposite end unable to hear her in the crowd of yells.

Rich calling...
hold call

She left neymar on hold and picked to hear richarlison "WE PREDICTED IT, wait WAIT WHAT THE F-"
"ANOTHER ONE!" She finished for richarlison as she was still on her feet. "Kylian is kyilling it" she managed to make the cheesy joke. "he really is!!" Richarlison added. "Wait"

Back to neymar

"NEY!" She screamed, "I KNOW!!" He screamed back, Gabriela began jumping not because she was supporting France, well she wasn't really supporting either she was on middle ground. But she jumped because this game was crazy intense and it kept getting better. "This is crazy" neymar said form the opposite end taking a seat.

Push aside the details of the game Gabriela was moving from phone call to phone call, and I'm addition Alma began too. They were all in shock of how the finals was and when it ended both disappointments and extreme happiness was achieved.

Neymar being friends with Messi who is considered one of the best of the best was happy for his friend who had one and obviously felt the pain that Kylian would've been going through but regardless of the win for Argentina, Kylian Mbappe is indeed one star of a player. Outside of whether people like him or not it has to be admitted that he carried France in the finals and made it an amazing game all on his own.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now