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It was  a smaller than expected flesh wound. We sat there in his house on his bed as I managed to plaster up the mark on the side of his stomach, "I'm sorry" I said looking back up to him, "you didn't do anything" he said but he had no expression on his face. I wanted to apologize more because if I didn't decide to go out we wouldn't have had this issue. He looked at me and I felt his stare but I didn't look at him as I finished up his bandage a bit better.

He moved into his bed lying down, he sighed when I got up to leave. "Come here" I did walking to his opposite corner. "I've grown up in a shit neighborhood and I've been through this kind of shit before" he told me and I couldn't help but feel horrible. "Next time we aren't going to a place we don't know okay" he said and I nodded. "You're going to be fine though right?" I asked again and he smiled "yes I will be tomorrow morning"

We fell asleep late in the night and me usually not being the one to wake up in one go immediately woke up when I heard rich groan as he got out of the bed, at that moment all I cared was to see if he was okay now. We had both overslept half the day "is it better?" I asked and he made a face  again, "sim, it's fine" he said going to the bathroom and returning a few minutes later. "fuck" he muttered. "My god daughter is coming over today and I have nothing at home" he said his hand his his head as he sat down.

"What do you need? I was about to go grocery shopping anyway" I wasn't but I just needed to take a minute outside after the traumatic events of last night. I was scared but after yesterday I just feel safer to be around richarlison. He really was my Superman as cringe as it sounds. He refused to send me alone to the grocery shop but with my stubbornness I managed to leave.

Getting a list of things for my own house I got some additional things for richarlisons.

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podemos fazer um?(Can we make one?)

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podemos fazer um?
(Can we make one?)

Aw she's adorable
fazer um tão cedo?
(Make one so soon?)

Yeah I need to permanently tie you down by getting myself a little you

Evil master plan
Send me what you specifically need rich, I got you some stuff

I showed him what I got and he told me to add a few more of his usuals. Before returning to his apartment I sat in the car just taking a deep breath. Everything was fine now, but to even imagine that he had gone through what happened to us before made my heart ache. I felt lucky to be born into a neighborhood that was not nearly as terrifying. I pushed my thoughts away and walked back into his house where he sat with the little girl. Her mother has left her over for a little while with richarlison and him being so gentle with the child was so cute.

Leaving the bags in the kitchen I ran towards where he was with the kid and sat next to them. She was sitting on his lap while playing with her soft toys and his eyes were focused on the adorable child. "She's 2 years old, I've been spending time with her for two years and she's growing so fast" he said his hands holding her tiny fingers. "Aren't you the cutest baby ever" he said giving her a big kiss and the baby started laughing feeling ticklish.

I looked at richarlison and the baby and a smile  plastered on my face. The baby's laugh was addictive. "Hi there" I said moving next to her and her glowing little eyes looked at me. "What's your name?" I asked and she replied "Mawia" she said unable to pronounce her 'R' Smile still on her face she slowly walked next to me, richarlison kept both hands on the two sides so that if she fell while walking he can catch her, "ola" she said in her soft voice.

Her eyes immediately went to my bracelet, something small I had from awhile ago. Her hands tried grabbing the bracelet away from my hand, "hold on, let me get that for you" I slowly removed the bracelet and placed it in her hands. The little one laughed again. "Is so pwetty" she said playing with it. "It is! You can keep it." I said back and with the bracelet in hand she ran back to richarlisons arms. "Wook, wook at this"  she showed him and he laughed, "eu vi" (I saw) he said carrying her.

"You know what, I'm going to make some dinner for you guys. Gabriela special" I said getting up and going towards the kitchen. "What time's her mom coming?" I asked Richard he said probably soon so I made extra dinner for her as well.

Richarlison's POV

I looked at gabriela from where I was, she tied up her hair in a bun before getting the ingredients focused on making a good dinner and I smiled. It just seemed like a dream, the little baby in my hands and my girlfriend cooking dinner for us. I make jokes about having kids often but I would truly be so happy to have our very own little family. Gabi, me and a little one.

In about half an hour Maria who was so tired of running up and down the whole day fell asleep so I carried her and kept her on my bed with two pillows in either side so that she won't roll off the bed. I walked out and saw gabriela put some dough she made into the oven and kneading the rest of it, flour all over her hands. I went up to where she was and put down my finger on some flour  "what're you doing?" She asked looking at me and I tapped her nose making her nose covered in the flour.

She moved her head to the corner of her shoulder and wiped her nose off because her hands were already filled with enough and if she wiped that off it would've only gotten worse. "Stop" she muttered with a small smile. Putting the other one in the oven as well she went to wash her hands as I leaned against the counter watching her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her recalling yesterday. "I wasn't in the morning to be honest but now I'm just thankful we are okay and here. Trying not to think about it" she honestly answered. "That's how it should be, don't think too much. We are safe now" I added and she nodded, trying to immediately change the topic she spoke again.

"Be a little useful richarlison" she said walking up to me, "I'm entertaining you by being here so I think I'm being pretty useful" I said and she wiped her hands taking a seat on a nearby barstool waiting for the oven to make a sound when the time was up again. I saw a big bowl of sweet corn soup and took the liberty of taking the first sip.

"Heyyyy! Wait" she said getting out of her chair and running up to me. "Woah it's actually good" I said looking down at her. "What do you mean 'actually', it is good" she defended taking the bowl away from Me. "Be patient pombo" she said trying to purposely annoy me. As soon as she let the bowl of soup on the table I carried her "put me down!" She cried laughing, "você acabou de me chamar de pombo?" (Did you just call me a pigeon?) I said dropping her on the couch and ticking her. "Stop!" She said in between laughs. "I'm sorry, stop! Richarlison" she said trying to kick me and I stopped while she tried to regain her breath after laughing so much.

I took two seconds before she was normal and tickled her again, "no!!" She whined trying to push me away but I was too strong and whatever strength she had was just drowned by laughing. I got tired of annoying her and finally gave an end to it. She took a few deep breaths, sat up and looked at me "pombo" she said again. I looked at her for a few seconds and we both burst out into laughter.

A/n : I've seen vids of him and his goddaughter but I don't know anything about her so half these facts are Bs.

Also I read in an article about how he actually was held at gunpoint and that's so sad to think people often go through stuff like that hence the very random chapter of them almost dying, it was so random even as the author I'm like wtf.

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now