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Present time
"You know neymar?" Richarlison asked Gabriela. "Yeah, we have a history" she said
turning back around to richarlison she added "but that's a story for later." Her smile was so cute to him that he completely forgot the encounter and taking her hand he was went to meet the other players.

"You good?" Rich asked his date and she nodded. "If you're bored we can leave" he muttered, she looked at his eyes. "I'm fine R" he smiled softly. "Wait Duda is there I'll talk to her and be right back" Gabriela said walking towards Lucas's wife who was with two small boys. "I haven't seen Benicio since he was born" she said making Duda look up. "Ai Lucas told me you were here, how are you ?" She hugged gab with one hand as she held one baby in the the other hand while another baby was in a stroller.

"Can I take him?" Gabriela reached out for the little baby and Maria was more than happy to get a break from it. "Aw" Gabriela said looking at the baby and then at Duda. "Can I keep him for the rest of the night ?" She pleaded. "yes! Please!" The tired mama said.

The dinner table was set and everyone was taking their seats. "Papai can I sit near richarlison" Davi asked neymar as his new idol was taking a seat next to Gabriela. Neymar nodded and the boy happily took a seat next to richarlison and he greeted the kid, "heyy my guy Davi!"

Gabriela sat next to Rich, Duda near Gabriela and Lucas near Maria. Infront of Lucas sat neymar who had a peripheral vision of how Davi was doing. Gabriela still had baby Filippo in her hands cooing him she was absolutely in love with the child. "You know what Duda, call me anytime to babysit this cutie. Seriously" Richarlison looked at Gabriela and how she was handling the baby in such a loving manner

The little boy made cooing sounds as he sat on her lap. The table said grace before beginning to pass food up and down and begin eating but Gabriela was so occupied by the little ones. "R, isn't he the cutest" she said looking to her side as he looked at her reaching for the baby's little head. "Goo goo ga ga" he made an odd sound and Gabriela laughed. He moved closer and slowly whispered to her ear.

"We'd make cuter babies" using one hand to hold the child she used the other one to push richarlison away. Smiling she looked infront of her making eye contact with neymar jr. While richarlison and Gabriela were admiring the kid and having a little moment. Neymar couldn't help but be jealous that his gabi was smiling with someone else. He had no grudges against richarlison but in his mind it was a challenge for him to get the girl.

"Lucas we found a babysitter" Duda said and richarlison laughed. Duda took filippo and strapped him to the double stroller with his brother to let Gabriela enjoy her dinner. The pkace was loud all the players and their family a few friends sat in one long table making different conversations.

After eating Gabriela looked towards richarlison who was making conversation with Davi. Richarlison was looking at Davi but his hand managed to rest on Gabriella's thigh. It was a rush to her as his hand stayed there, his thumb occasionally rubbing her inner leg. Neymar stood up after his food and walking behind to where his son was and his eye caught Richarlisons hand resting on Gabriella's thigh and he pretended as if he didn't see it.

"Davi here choses Batman over Superman" Richarlison said as neymar found a chair bringing it next to rich and his son. "Why's that?" "Batman's better"  Davi stated as if it were a plain fact. "Nah but super man can fly" richarlison fought. "I agree with Davi" Ney supported and Davi made a 'see I told ya' Face. "No. Wait let's ask someone else" richarlison said looking at Gabriela "Gabi ! Batman or Superman?" Davi yelled getting her attention.

Neymar's eyes still on richarilsons hand which seemed to have hers on top of it now. "Batman hands down" Gabriela said and Davi cheered. She looked at richarlison and he made a 'wrong answer' face. "Uh.. uh..wa- no apparently it's Superman" she said staring At richarlison trying to understand his expression.

"No takebacks" Davi said high-fiving his dad. "We are gonna get going" neymar said carrying his son. "Cao richy and Gabriela" he said and Davi follows with a similar goodbye.

The team loved Gabriela, a few of them remembered her as the reporter that spoke to them a couple of times and some of them thought she looked super familiar but couldn't put their finger on it.

The team obviously was on a no drink policy during the season but that didn't stop them from having fun. Duda watched as her husband Lucas was doing his crazy dance moves and Gabriela nudged her raising her eyebrows. "Baby number 3 soon?" gab said and Duda blushed pushing her away playfully.

Some point of the night Richarlison was walking around the dinner table doing the pigeon celebration of his and the little kids followed him laughing. He made a bet that when he scored everyone better be doing his celebration.

The night ended earlier than usual so that everyone can get some rest. Gabriela and richarlison said their goodbyes to everyone and left back to the hotel. Rich stopped infront of her room door. "I guess this is it" Gabriela smiled as she looked at the tall boy who looked at her room door and then her. "Can I take you up on that kiss?" Gabriela's eyes glistened as she nodded softly.

His hand cupped her cheek as he bent down to the girls lips she closed her eyes and let him take the lead as their lips touched, her hands snaked it's way up his body to around his neck as she further gave in. Their tongues sliding in fighting for dominance. The door to her room opened "I thought I heard a noise-" and immediately Gabriela opened her eyes and pushed the boy away from her. Alma stood there as if she had just seen her parents getting it.

In shock she looked at Gabriela and then to her other side where richarlison was looking down and scratching the back of his neck. "The guy was HIM?!"

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now