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Richarlison and neymar are two different people. For example if it were neymar and Gabriela going for a party in the hopes of drinking the two of them would get drunk together and party together but if it were richarlison and Gabriela then they would drink but he wouldn't dance as crazily, making sure she is okay he'd let her have her fun but also be extremely cautious and watch out for her. He's the type to take her home when she's drunk and console and comfort as neymar and her would both be down and out at home on the floor together.

In this case it was all three of them going for the same party in the hopes of going absolutely hard on the drinks, to cope with the loss and to have some fun.

A Latin pub was where the team went drinking all the possible drinks they could get, most of the families of the players had gone home. Gabriella sat with richarlison on a table as they began talking, "you drink often?" He asked her "well I drink if I want to have a hell of a time not that I need drinks to have fun but when there's something your grieving I think a drink or two helps forget" she explained, "right, you seem like you would be a crazy drunk" richarlison said as the drinks were bought to their table.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment" she said taking the shot glass to her hand, "so you are a crazy drunk?" Richarlison raised his eyebrow. "Only one way to find out" she winked "cheers!" They said taking a few shots. Raphinha, Lucas, Thiago, Vini and the rest had already started singing and vibing to the music.

Raphinha running to Gabriel and richarlisons table and drinking some from theirs too. He looked at Gabriela and asked her to come dance and she looked at richarlison as he gave a soft smile indicating that she should have fun. He wasn't too much of the dancing type but that didn't mean he didn't dance at all. Right now he just rather sit and enjoy a drink.

As Gabriela went to the dance area she danced to the best of the Latin music and Raphinha held her hand as he turned her around and she laughed having the time of her life. Once Raphinha left to dance with the boys the alcohol began to hit Gabriela slowly and slowly it made her woozy but she didn't care about anything surrounding her now, nothing but the music and the people.

A hand placed itself on Gabriela's back, a drunk neymar moved infront of her pulling her body onto his. She didn't care who it was because she just wanted to dance her hands felt his body as he took hers and placed it over his shoulder both his rested on her lower back as they began dancing bachata with eachother. He smiled his iconic smile "I missed my sexy girl" he said as he was ready to kiss her in his drunken state all he wanted was her. To be with her to have him next to her, to dance, to laugh, to live and most importantly to love.

"Eh neymar, it's my turn" Richarlison said tapping Neymar's back. He didn't care that it was Richarlison he pushed the guy away. Making neymar jr angry is like waking a dragon from his century of sleep. "Calm down, calm" richarlison said, "all I wanted was to take my girl back bro" he smiled hands in the air. Neymar took a full turn around facing the guy who he didn't even notice was because of his drinks and his annoyance of stealing Gabriela.

"sua garota? ela é minha, seu filho da puta. Recuar" (your girl? She's mine you son of a bitch. Back off) Gabriela could hear the both of them. He walked up to richarlison with a dead angry face as if he was ready to throw fists. "I'm neither one of y'all's. Now stop causing a scene and get out both of you!" She said. "Let's take this outside then, pedaço de merda" (piece of shit) richarlison spat another drunken stated man. Neymar lunged at him to punch him but he was held back by Lucas.

They indeed did take it outside, Gabriela was not going to stand and watch them fight over her so she scolded both of them found a taxi on the road and left to her house. Which she shares with her roommate alma. The boys threw a few punches at each other screaming curse words as the rest of the more sober people tried to stop them from killing each other but both of them not knowing who or why they were fighting halfway through just started hugging each other. Neymar crying in richarlisons hands and richarlison comforting him, the rest of the boys who were afraid of the fight breaking down were just confused. Both of them were way too drunk for this.

The people who came to stop the fight went back into the pub to enjoy their time. "você realmente gosta dela?" (Do you really like her?)  Neymar asked richarlison as they sat on the corner of the road. "Sim. I do" he said holding ice onto his nose which neymar had punched when richarlison had yelled at him saying she loved his big nose and big things unlike neymars smaller ones if you know what I mean. "I really like her too bro" neymar said looking down. "Love her even"

"você teve sua chance, você estragou tudo. agora é justo que eu a pegue" (you had your chance and you blew it. Now it's only fair that I take mine) richarlison said to neymar. "I made mistakes richarlison. If she takes you and chose you I'll be happy for her, if you treat her the way I never could I'll be happy for you too. You need to give her all the attention she needs because when you don't, FUCK!" He screamed regretting every choice he made that ended them.

They sat their in silence. "But I know I want her so I'm not going to stop going after her just because you want her too" neymar said. Richarlison loves neymar, he was his idol really. "que o melhor cara ganhe a garota" (may the best guy win the girl) he said tapping neymar on the back.

They were both planning on telling her to give both of them the chance to prove who was better and leaving her with the option of taking the better guy. But to a stubborn and smart girl like Gabriela these drunk idiotic plans of the two of them might be discarded and she would just scold the two and find some completely different guy.

The gut feelings of neymar and richarlison said it was worth the shot.

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