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I'm such a bad girlfuejd
you're so hor
Magbe we shud rub away
Run away
Did I say dub away 🤣🤣
I'm sorry I'm sof shitttty

I need u to calm and drink water

Yoire not my mama
Don't toll mama I'm drjnk
She cannr know I drink pleakd

R ❤️
I wont

Voice message
Please riiichhharlisonnn don't tell my mother I drink she will drag me by the ear and yell
Are you coming? Can you come? I need someone to dance with pleaaaaas

Richarlison managed to leave what he was doing behind and find his girlfriend in a bar drunk off her ass, "I'm sorry baby I promise I don't drink this much often, it's super rare! I pinky promise" she said lifting her pinky up when richarlison came to get her. Even though she wanted to dance at this point when he told her she had enough and tried taking her away she agreed so he helped her walk to the car.

"Gabs you should have told me you were going earlier, something bad coulda happened to you" richarlison said being obviously afraid for his girlfriends life. "I feel sick" she managed to say and rich drove to his house as soon as he could because he wouldn't want her puking in his car.

Helping her to his house he immediately took her to the bathroom and she began throwing up on the toilet. He held her hair up for her and his hand placed on her back rubbing it. "You're good" he said while she whined annoyed at herself for doing what she said. He managed to tie her hair up so that it didn't get in the way when she was throwing up. His hands and soft words comforting her. She got back up and managed to wash her mouth and brush her teeth. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry richarlison " gabriela said and he told her she had nothing to apologize for.

"You need to calm down and not drink alone so much gabi, if something happened to you I wouldn't have forgiven myself" he said cupping her face in his arms and she looked at him. "Why are you so nice to me?" Gabi asked him and he smiled softly "porque você é minha princesa" (because you're my princess) richarlison said to gabriela who hated herself for everything she said to neymar

She was stuck on neymar when she was drunk having all her drunken personalities associated with her ex, she felt like shit to be saying what she said with a boyfriend who clearly loved her so much. "Im such a shit girlfriend richarlison, eu não mereço o seu amor" (I don't deserve your love) she managed to say to the boy who took care of her.

"I don't care, you're getting my love either way" he said slowly taking her to his bed, tucking gabriela in like she was a little child. "I love you" she said her eyes focusing on his as he made sure she was comfortable. "You're drunk Linda" he laughed it off. "I'm sorry for being a pain in your ass" she whined again, "stop being sorry and sleep" he said bringing a cup of water and some pills and leaving it in the corner next to the bed to drink in the morning so her hangover wouldn't hurt as bad.

"You're not coming to sleep?" Gabriela almost whispered her eyes closed already as she drifted off to sleep. "I'm going to be there in a bit, you need to get some rest now okay" he said and she fell slowly fell into a deep sleep feeling like she was riding on a rollercoaster her head was spinning enough.

Gabriela's pov

A few years had passed, I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked older. I stood there contemplating the decision I was about to make as I stood with a bouquet in my hand in a white dress. It was simple and elegant, my hair was tied up in a bun with a crown of flowers around it. The weather outside seems perfect through my window.

The door to my room was being knocked and I slowly moved away from the mirror walking towards the door I opened it to see richarlison in a suit. He immediately opened his mouth and said "wow" I smiled at his reaction. "I don't know wedding rules but I think I'm allowed to see you" he said as I stepped outside the room. "I think you are" I replied before he engulfed me in a hug and I did too. It was painful but still heartfelt with love and pain together. "Im so happy for you" he said as I shut my eyes right hoping the decisions I made to lead here were all correct.

"Now go get married Linda, Neymar has been waiting years for this" richarlison said with a small laugh but his eyes were filling up and one single tear fell from his eye. "I love you" he said one last time wiping his eyes quickly and I was about to melt down until I had a horrible headache

Third person pov

Waking up it felt as if she fell of the rollercoaster because damn was her head throbbing. Gabriela immediately went to the water and pills richarlison had left for her and when she looked to her side richarlison was still asleep. It was a dream she realized and to contemplate that over all the headaches was a nightmare. Slowly getting out of the bed she went to his living room and sat on the couch trying to recall last night but not being able to get much.

She didn't know what she felt from that dream, she was confused enough but the dream just made her even more in a daze of how she was going to be pick one guy for the rest of her life.
"I'm an idiot" gabi muttered under her breath as she took her phone out. The first notification she sees was from neymar and that as enough for her to be terrified about what she could've said when she was drunk. They say drunk words are sober thoughts and at this point she'd rather run away from all of this.

You good now?

I'm fine

She replied before deciding to scroll
Back up the chat and her heart began beating faster than ever realizing she had so much to scroll to find the start of it. Everything she said to him just reminded her of what she dreamt that night. Was she really missing him? All the fights, all the cursing and screaming was she secretly craving that life with him because it was inevitable that apart from all their fights they loved eachother endlessly.

She looked through one text that read "I wish it was you" well outside of her typos. What did she mean by it was something even gabriela was trying to figure out. Did she wish she had him at the bar to just dance with or did she wish she was with him, him being the one to
Take her home and to keep her safe and not richarlison.

She again pushed her phone away knowing she was being unfair to richarlison. She didn't cheat on him, she was better than that but even she didn't know whether these thoughts and dreams of neymar proves that she doesn't need to be wasting time on rich. No she loved richarlison is what she thought again, she loved him more. He was taking care of her in ways she didn't even deserve

Maybe she should settle on the decision of helping rich find a girl that actually deserve him because he was perfect and she wasn't.

A/n : gabi with richarlison or neymar?

autograph | Richarlison / Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now