I, Monster

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It was a stormy day in New York, we focus on a warehouse and in that warehouse was a scientist with chemical's everywhere and some rats as well

Falco: They all thought they could stop me. The corporate fools who pulled my funding. The scientific community shunned me. Those turtle freaks who thought they got the last of my mutagen. But they were wrong. Even with this tiny amount and nothing but these disgusting sewer rats to experiment on, I have nearly recreated my psychic neurochemical. And when I do, the shortsighted idiots who rejected me will tremble before the power and genius of Dr. Victor Falco.

The rats bit out the wire, setting off an explosion. This caused the chemicals in the room to all combust with some landing on Falco making him scream in pain, some of the rats used this chance to get away and escape

Falco: No, no! Help me! Please! Help! Help!

The rats started to come to him. Falco notices this and figures out his new ability, he starts to laugh wondering of all the new things he is now capable of

We start the episode with Splinter was in front of a tree waiting, behind him the Turtles and Jaiden plotting behind him,

Leo: Okay, here's the plan, Donnie, I want you to strike Splinter first.

Donnie: No way me strike Splinter first? I'll get pummeled.

Raph: Well, getting pummeled is your specialty

Leo: Trust Me, it's all a part of my plan to catch Splinter off guard, with Jaiden and I keeping him distracted, we got this in the bag.

Mikey: Leo, don't take this the wrong way but when it comes to our plans, you always get our butts kicked.

Leo: Okay, change of plans Mikey you attack first.

Mikey (To Donnie): He took it the wrong way.

Raph: Enough talk, let's do this!

Jaiden: Yeah, let's take him down, but in a friendly way of course.

The five split up walking around Splinter, he opened his eyes and spreads his feet, Mikey charges in first going for a dive kick, Splinter counters by grabbing Mikey by his legs, slams him to the ground and kicks him away, Raph and Donnie charged in with Splinter ducking a kick from Donnie, blocking a punch from Raph, he grabbed one of Donnie's legs, tripped him over and threw him into Raph knocking them both down, Jaiden went next going for rapid fast punches, Splinter moved his head to dodge, Jaiden then jumped into the air and went for a triple kick which Splinter blocked, once Splinter found his opening, he used his fingers jabbing into Jaiden's stomach and then kicked him away, Splinter went to move but his feet were stuck, by webbing.

A flashback shows that while Jaiden was knocked back, he managed to shoot two webs at Splinters feet while getting sent back.

Splinter tried to get out but before he could Leo manages to punch Splinter across the face oddly shocking Leo, not expecting his plan to actually work.

Leo (Shocked): Ah, Sensei I'm sorry.

Splinter took advantage of Leo's shock, grabbed his arm and slammed him roughly to the ground.

Donnie: Aw man, Leo's a goner.

Mikey: Oh Nodie Dodie

Splinter looked down at Leo, he calmed down and released his grip and stood up proud of his son.

Splinter: Well, done Leonardo, but right when you had the advantage you hesitated. That made you vulnerable.

Leo (Strained): Hai Sensei.

A Curse Turned into a Gift(Spider-Man Oc x Tmnt 2012)Where stories live. Discover now