Why are they called the Foot Clan

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Back in the lair the turtles are leaving the dojo after a Day of Meditating and training. Raph went to his favorite punching bag as he let out some punches and kicks as Mikey and Leo sit down to watch Tv. Donnie was about to go to his lab when he checked his phone for any text from April, but it was only Jaiden his eyebrows was raised at the text he was reading

Donnie: So, Jaiden just texted me back and he said he is coming to show us something

Mikey: Oh, Is it pizza

Leo: Did he say why

Donnie: Well, I asked him if he felt any side effects from his bit and when I asked that he texted back saying he wanted to show us

Raph: Better be important

Jaiden then arrived in the main room tired mainly from all the running as he walked to the team

Jaiden: Sorry I'm late, it's ah hard to get here sometimes

Leo: It's alright. It can get confusing sometimes April faced the same problems

Jaiden: Ah ah I am way too excited to ask who April is, Gah

Raph: Donnie said you wanted to show us something so how about you stop wasting time and show us

Jaiden: Oh, right right right right so Donnie what normally happens when you get bit by a spider

Donnie; Well after getting bit you can get itchy, Headache, Fevers, Cramping, Chills-

Jaiden: Okay okay well then um what the hell do you say about this

Jaiden faced the wall as a web line was shot from his wrist hitting the wall leaving the team shocked

Donnie: That's not scientifically possible

Donnie then grabbed his arm almost pulling Jaiden

Donnie; The human body cannot produce organic webbing not even after being bitten by one

Leo: So, you're saying that after being bit he got powers

Donnie: Looks like it did it's like instead of poisoning him it gave him the ability to shoot webs and who knows what for all we know he could have butt loads of new abilities

Raph: So, what he is half mutant half human

Donnie: Yes, yes, he is like that

Mikey: Ohhh so does this mean he is like a Superhero

Donnie: Yes, Mikey like a Superhero

Jaiden: So, what are we going to do if there a cure or something anything man

Donnie: Well, I can see if I can make an antidote, but this is so complex more than reversing a normal mutant not a half mutant but if I can't then you will be stuck with these abilities

Jaiden looked at his arms knowing that he might spend the rest of his life being a half spider freak he sighed as he looked back at the team.

Jaiden: So, what should we do now

Donnie: Well, if anything we should try to run some tests on you see if you have any other abilities

Jaiden: Okay then should we go now

Leo: No, its still daytime we must wait until nighttime to go out

Jaiden: Well that sounds boring.

Raph: Trust us it is but its an easier way to stay hidden

Jaiden: Okay then what time is best for you guys

Leo: How about 9pm Donnie will send you the directions to our meeting spot

A Curse Turned into a Gift(Spider-Man Oc x Tmnt 2012)Where stories live. Discover now