The Good, The Bad and the Casey Jones!

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At his house, inside of his room sitting on a desk, Casey Jones writes on paper the thoughts he's be having in his head.

Casey: Robot Ninjas and Supervillains have taken over my city. How long before those freaks hurt somebody close to me (shows Casey working out as usual which explains his how jacked he is for a teen.) Like my dad, little sister, April. I'm not sitting around to wait (Casey straps his hockey stick with tape, and spray paints a hockey mask with black and white coloring even making a little brown mitten with a built-in retractable shocker) All my life I knew I was meant for something greater just like Scarlet Spider, I've going to save my city just like him. This is my calling. My destiny. A true warrior has got to be prepared.

In his room, Casey wearing a prototype of his future outfit with a black and grey short sleeved shirt and jeans, both with shoulder pads and straps to hold his hockey sticks and bat. He raised his eyebrow pretending someone was talking to him looking back and forth before looking straight.

Casey: Who do you think you are? A ninja? Bring it Punk!

Casey thrusted his fist engaging the taser sparking, he pulled his arm back deactivating it and pushed it down into his glove.

Casey: Scum sucking villains of chaos, prepare to mee. (Pulls down hockey mask. Casey Jones.


In the sewers, in splinters dojo, the turtles and Jaiden (Wearing his normal clothes) stand on opposite sides as Splinter stands up from meditating walking between them.

Splinter: My sons, you've all grown into impressive warriors, and Jaiden despite having powers, your combat skills greatly improve. But, to grow as a team. You must know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Each of the turtles take out their weapons while Jaiden pops out his stingers from his wrist. Mikey tries to mess with Donnie by burping in his face making him gag.

Donnie: Oh, right in my face really?

Mikey: Garlic and Clam pizza.

Jaiden (Disgusted): Why do you have to make pizza abominations?

Splinter: This competition is a free for all, Jaiden remember no using your powers or venom.

Jaiden: Heh, like I need them for simple sparing.

Splinter: Last fighter standing wins, Hajime!

Raph wasted no time running at Donnie who was still dazed by Mikey's burp.

Donnie (Confused): I'm still seeing spots.

Raph kicks Donnie past Leo and Jaiden sending him into the dojo tree. As the young ninja slouched against it.

Raph: Sorry Donnie, it's a ninja eat ninja world!

Raph turned around to the laughing Mikey thrusting his sai at him, but the scared Mikey dodges the attack nervously stepping back, Raph was about to hit him again, but Leo moved in front of him and the two clash blades.

Raph: What are you doing Leo? I was going for Mikey!?

Leo: What part of last fighter standing don't you understand.

Jaiden slipped between them putting his hands on the ground kicking them both back standing tall.

Jaiden: You two are talking like the real victor isn't right in front of you. (Points with his thumb talking in a cocky tone) and that would be me.

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