Episode 4: Final Countdown Part 1

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Back on the prime universe, Mikey was alone at the kitchen table with a plate of pizza next to him, as he picks up a slice biting into it as he scrolls through his phone, finding a picture of him and Jaiden, pranking Raph with drawings on his face as Jaiden was adding a heart on his cheek while Mikey was holding his laugh in. The young turtle sighed still hearing his scream as he went through the portal.

Splinter: My son.

Mikey flinches before turning to Splinter who was holding a Cheesicle.

Mikey: Geez Sensei, you startled me.

Splinter: I just noticed how troubled you were, figured I'd see what's wrong with you.

His eyes laid on his T-Phone and the picture on the screen as he made a small smile sitting next to him.

Splinter: You are worried for Jaiden-san aren't you?

Mikey only nodded slowly putting his phone away.

Splinter: My son, for as long as we've known him. Jaiden is a stubborn young man, I'm sure that he's doing everything in his power to get back home to us.

Mikey: Yeah, but I feel back. If I wasn't clowning around maybe he wouldn't have been sucked in.

Splinter: We cannot change the past Michelangelo, (Puts hand on Mikey's shoulder) I want you to know that the incident was not your fault, so please do not stress yourself over that mistake and trust that our friend will come to us soon.

Mikey gave Splinter a small smile before leaning back.

Mikey: Y-yeah, your right, he might be on his way back now as we speak.

(Meanwhile with Jaiden)


Speaking of Jaiden, he was currently pinned to the walls pushing Karai's head back trying not to get bit, he noticed her snake arms trying to bite him as he puts both feet out kicking her off of him, Shinigami put her leg out tripping Karai onto her stomach as she hissed annoyed.

Shinigami: Chill out girl, it's me Shinigam-.

Karai hissed swinging her tail at her but Snake Eyes blocked it with his katana as Jaiden ran along the tail kicking Karai on the side of her face, landing behind her and punching her in the side of the ribs, Karai hissed enraged thrusting her snake hands at him, as he flipped over them, backing away avoiding the snakes.

Jaiden: You're too slow-.

Stopping him from talking, she lunged her head about to bite Jaiden who used both hands to stop her teeth as he tried to push back.

Jaiden: Guys, any ideas on calming this chick down!

He pushed her head back only to get tail smacked hitting a hotdog cart. Snake Eyes ran under one of her snake arms and brought his foot up to her face but from her mouth, she spat out a purple web sticking him to the ground before twisting his arm and throwing him into Jaiden.

Jaiden: Did she just spit out a web, since when could she do that?

Shinigami: Oh, it's a long story-. (Gets grabbed as she uses her moon blades to block her mouth) Tell you after this.

Jaiden gently pushed Snake Eyes off of him, as he shot a web at Karai's head pulling it back to stop her from biting Shinigami.

Jaiden: Ah, Ah, Ah! No biting young lady, that's considered rude!

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