Target April O'Neil

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At Shredder's lair, Karai is on her knees looking down, in front of her was a hologram of Shredder and even on screen he still manages to make her nervous.

Shredder: So, daughter, not only did you disobey my orders in my absence, but your petty scheme failed miserably.

Karai: it was those stupid foot bots, they couldn't keep up with the turtles, Snake Eyes or Jaiden, but one good thing, the Kraang have been upgrading them, so-.

Shredder: Hear me Karai, you will have no more dealings with the Kraang until I return.

Karai (Sad): understood father.

Shredder: Wait for my command and do not defy me again. The consequences will be unfortunate.

Karai balled her fists hearing the hologram disappear, now she could wait for him like he told her and maybe train or get a better weapon. But no, instead she walks out of the lair and with two foot bots next to her, she goes to a secret Kraang base walking down the dark halls, in the center was a facility similar to the structure of the Technodrome, few Kraang near a hologram press a few buttons and four platforms appear in front of her taking her to the main platform, the platform in front of them opens and a robotic figure wearing what looked like a replica of Chris Bradfords armor before he was mutated.

Karai: Not bad, how soon until it's online.

Kraang 1: By kraangs calculations nine earth hour units until-.

Karai: Nine hours!? I want to test it on someone now, and I've got the perfect target too. April O'Neil.

All of the flying Kraang bots let out surprised screeches that made Karai fold her arms and raising her eyebrows.

Karai: is there a problem with that?

Kraang 1: Kraang sees no foreseeable problem one called Karai.

Karai: Good, now let's speed up the process, we don't want to keep Shredder waiting now do you?

Kraang 2: Accelerating the process is of no problem to kraang, but what about O'Neil's protectors?

Karai: My foot bots will handle them, let's hope your upgrades will hold them back.

Kraang 1: And Parker.

Karai: You don't have anything for him, with Snake Eyes out of action he's the main problem we have. Any time she's in danger, he races to her in a heartbeat.

Kraang 2: Using what little remains of his DNA that we can. We'll be able to create one last Slayer, one the surpasses the previous four.

Karai: Are they going to help this ultimate slayer?

Kraang 1: No, they are obsolete in Kraangs eyes. Once the ultimate slayer is created, we'll have no need for the outdated clones.

In the halls, Shadow Spider hides in the darkness listening in on what the Kraang were talking about.

Karai: If that's the case, what's going to happen to them?

Kraang 2: They will be terminated, as failure for their past battles and faulty nature.

Shadow Spider's body flinched just hearing that, she feels something in her that she rarely ever felt, she walked down the hallway as Karai only smirked at the progress.

Karai: Then let's get started.


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