Mikey Gets Shellacne (Fixed)

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Outside of a small grey house, two boys around 13 putting some boxes into a moving truck, Jaxon wiped his head and Jaiden let out a tired sigh.

Jaxon: Dude, how many cooking pots does your mama have?

Jaiden: From the boxes, I assume you can tell.

Jaxon let out a small chuckle looking back up at Jaiden.

Jaxon; This is really goodbye huh?

Jaiden: Psh, not at all man. I mean I'll call you from time to time and can even visit you if I can. This isn't goodbye just last known transmission.

Jaxon: Heh, alright that's what we're gonna call it?

Jaiden: Yep, and we're not changing it at all. You'll be going along with it too.

Jaxon: Wow, I see how it is bro.

Jaiden laughed at his reaction, before looking back at Jaxon.

Jaiden; You'll be fine without me for a while?

Jaxon: You're talking to the guy who defended you from Flash every day. I'm pretty sure I'll manage.

Jaiden: Okay, Okay just wanted to ask ya.

Kara; Honey! Time for us to go.

The two looked at Kara who was in her black car ready to go, Jaiden looked at Jaxon not knowing how to word it.

Jaiden: So, I'll see you around man?

Jaxon: Yeah, but I want you to have something before you go.

Jaxon reached into his pocket and pulled out a Lego Palpatine figure.

Jaiden: Your Lego Palpatine? But that's for your Lego death star.

Jaxon: I know but I uh want you to have it. Think of it as a way to remember me by, okay?

Jaiden took the Lego figure smiling before looking up at Jaxon.

Jaiden: I'll hold onto it for ya.

Jaiden put his hand out for their handshake, fist bump then going up and down pulling back for a handclap and pulling each other in patting on the back. Jaiden smiled at his bro and turned around to the car getting into the backseat, he looked out the window small waving at his friend who gave him a wave back, Kara checked everything, and the car began to move with the moving truck behind them, Jaxon slowly leaves Jaiden's vision until they get far enough away from him. Jaiden sighs leaning back in his seat before looking back at the Lego Palpatine figure as he drove away from his home to his new one again.

We cut to Jaiden currently at his door, opening it seeing Jaxon with his hands in his pockets smiling at Jaiden.

Jaxon: Ah, there he is. Ready to go?

Jaiden: Heck yeah, time to show you the best joint around.

Jaxon: I'll believe it when I eat it bro.

Jaiden jumped down the stairs and the two walked together to Murakami's restaurant that he claimed was better than the restaurants at home. The two walked up to the vending machine putting money in the machine.

Jaxon: What do you recommend around here?

Jaiden: Oh, the Pizza Gyoza 100 percent.

Jaxon: Pizza Gyoza? What the heck is that?

Jaiden: One of the best creations known to man. Trust me, it's good.

Jaxon: Eh, I'll take your word.

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