The Hunt Begins (Short)

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We focus on a jungle like area, leaves, plants and trees all around, the sound of walking, a man wearing hunter like gear. The hunter noticed some blood on a big leaf, walking up to it putting some on his finger and brings it close to his mouth taking some small licks of it. He looks around the forest thinking he's close to who he's looking for he notices something between the trees, he grows a smirk taking out his knife slowly approaching

Hunter: You grow small in your old age Sergei

The hunter stabbed into who he thought he was looking for but pulled it out of the shadows seeing it was just a piece of cloth.

Sergei: A fate you will not share.

The hunter felt a presence behind him, their stood Kraven the hunter.

The hunter turned his knife around going for a swing to the stomach, but Kraven backed away seeing the man go for a overhead knife swing, he only scoffed grabbing the Hunter by the neck lifting him up above him, the hunter tried to move his knife ...

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The hunter turned his knife around going for a swing to the stomach, but Kraven backed away seeing the man go for a overhead knife swing, he only scoffed grabbing the Hunter by the neck lifting him up above him, the hunter tried to move his knife but was quickly grabbed squeezing his wrist causing it to crack and drop the knife.

Kraven: I've been in your shadow for hours, but you sense nothing! Pathetic.

The hunter tried to release himself from Kraven's grip, but nothing worked this man was super strong and for his old age. Kraven grew tired of this hunt, and without warning, tightened his grip around the hunter's neck killing him, he tossed his body to the side seeing it land on the wet muddy ground. On Kraven's face reeked disappointment and lack of enthusiasm.

Kraven: I asked for an equal, and this is what you find?

From behind Kraven, his group of male and female hunters walked up to him, one holding a tablet close to his body.

Grunt: Sir, perhaps a new hunting ground?

The grunt brought up a layout of New York City, in different locations showed people like Beetle, Shocker, black images of the turtles The Foot Clan, Jaxon and the main one Scarlet Spider.

Grunt: The greatest hunt for you sir, each of them will provide you with a proper challenge, but apparently, the Spider and Foot Clan (Points at Jaiden and Shredder) are the greatest hunt of them all.

Kraven's smile grew and his eyes focused on Shredder and Jaiden showing all recorded abilities and fighting skills.

Kraven: Light the fires, the great hunt begins. We'll hunt for those lambs while we find the two I would be proud to call an equal.

Kraven turned around following his followers to his lair to get the weapons and gear they'll need to be ready for New York and hunt for his prey. 

A Curse Turned into a Gift(Spider-Man Oc x Tmnt 2012)Where stories live. Discover now