Mutation Situation

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Time 9;30pm

Inside an old Japanese styled house, a man in his own home gym is seen punching his black punching bag, giving it two right hooks and a spinning back kick, he throws four more jabs at each part of the bag before reeling his fist back and punching the bag hard launching it off its hook into the garage walls. He pants his fist shaking, he simply grabs a towel and wipes his hands off. He hears the doors behind him creak glancing back seeing a baby Jaiden around 9 years old stare at his grandad with a curious face. He wore a spider themed pajama onesie and a noticeable bruise on his right cheek.

Takashi: Jaiden, what are you doing up so late?

Jaiden: Heard you yelling again, so I wanted to check on you Grandpa.

Takashi: Hah, well, I'm fine so uh try to get back in bed before mom gets on both of us.

Jaiden stood there not moving at all as Takashi sighed before growing a small smile and walking up to his boy picking him up and putting him on his shoulders as the young boy let out a little giggle. Takashi saw his bruise but kept his smile planning to ask him before he went to sleep.

Takashi: Alright, I'll put you in bed myself. But we'll have to sneak past ya mom. Let's turn on ninja mode.

Jaiden nodded covering his mouth pretending to be a ninja as Takashi tiptoed through the house getting to the stairs, there they both looked at each other nodding slowly stepping on the step slowly going up not trying to cause too much sound. They successfully made it all the way up the stairs. Takashi moved his hand to open Jaiden's door but the next step he took was a loud creak. The two frozen and flinched up looking back at Kara's door only to still hear the TV in the room playing, making them both sigh in relief.

Takashi: Whew, bullet dodged.

Takashi opened the door to Jaiden's room which was a simple room, medium sized bed, toys in the shelves even some boxing gloves on the floor, Takashi walked in front of his bed and placed Jaiden on the bed and gently placed the covers over him up to his neck.

Takashi: There we go, (Looks at bruise) wanna tell me how that happened.

Jaiden: S-some guy messed with me during lunch, I tried to I-ignore him, but he said something that made me mad?

Takashi: Like what?

Jaiden: Making fun of you and mama, and t-the loss of Chad.

Takashi: I see.... well first of all before I give you the best piece of advice I can. Did you win the fight?

Jaiden: Y-Yeah, you're training totally worked b-but then the teachers came in splitting us up.

Takashi: Heh, well. That's good to hear, But I don't want this to be a daily thing when you hear that stuff kid.

Jaiden (Ashamed now): Right, Right can't let my emotions get the better of me over people like him. But, why train me if I can't even use it?

Takashi: You'll be able to use it but for better things, you have great power, but you must also be responsible with it and know when it would be needed. There's a quote that I told your father and now, I want to tell you. With great power there must also come great responsibility.

Jaiden looked at his dad before growing a wide smile looking at his Grandad.

Jaiden: Right, I hear your grandpa. I'll make sure to remember that quote forever.

Takashi: Good, well. I'm going to let you rest now boy. Since you're off tomorrow, let's go to that chicken spot you love. Now, go to bed.

Takashi got back up on his feet leaving the little Jaiden alone who cuddled up in his bed closing his eyes. Takashi closed Jaiden's door gently, he sighed before looking next to his door seeing a poor drawing of the small Jaiden, Kara, Takashi and his father in the middle.

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