Operation Breakout

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In the dojo, Raph and Donnie circle around each other on the center of the mat, Splinter in front of the tree standing, while April, Leo, Jaiden, Mikey and Snake Eyes watched sitting on their legs. On Jaiden's lap, his pet cat named Dave purred against him watching as well

Raph: Don't worry Donnie, I'm in a good mood today. I'll go easy on you.

Donnie (Offended): Don't do me any favors Raph, um in fact maybe you'll be the one who gets gone easy on by me s-so yeah.

Donnie twirled his staff around him before putting it behind his arm fully focused.

Mikey (Whispers to Jaiden and Leo): Worst smack talk ever.

Jaiden: Eh, he tried but it still sucked.

Splinter: Hajime!

The two ran at each other, once they got close enough Donnie swung his staff at Raph's head but he ducked under it, Donnie tried to strike him again, Raph blocked his staff with his Sai, spinning around bringing his Sai down at Donnie's head which he blocked, moved behind Raph hit both of his knees and tripped him over.

Donnie (Proud): Hey, I got him, (Turns to his friends) Guys did you see that?!

With Donnie distracted, Raph tripped Donnie making him land on his stomach, Raph tried to stomp on him, but Donnie rolled out of the way getting back up, losing his weapon Donnie goes for a left hook, Raph uses his right Sai and wraps it around Donnie's arm forcing Donnie to be like his puppet moving him around. Raph brought Donnie close to him using his other Sai to move Donnie's other hand smirking.

Raph: Say Hi to Mikey (Impersonates Donnie) Hi Mikey.

Mikey (Entertained): Donnie, haha amazing, I didn't even see his lips move. He's like a puppet who can throw his voice to himself. (Thinks for a while) Wait. That didn't make sense.

Snake Eyes (Sign): At least you know.

Splinter: Yame! Raphel that is enough.

Raph nodded throwing Donnie onto the floor, adding more disrespect he sat on Donnie's stomach smirking at his brother.

Raph: Thanks for going easy on me.

Raph got off of Donnie who groaned slowly getting up walking back to his brothers.

Splinter: Next, Jaiden and Snake Eyes!

Jaiden: Alright, my time to shine.

Snake Eyes rose up bowing before walking to the center of the mat, Jaiden pats Dave and the cat walking off his legs allowing him to get up himself it wasted no time bolting next to April she smiled petting the cat. Jaiden walked to the other side of the mat looking at Snake Eyes with a cocky grin.

Splinter: Jaiden, I ask that you do not use your symbiote. Practice using your other abilities.

Jaiden: Hai Sensei. (Looks at Snake Eyes) Let's make this fun, eh? The loser has to try Mikey's pineapple, sardine, and egg pizza.

Snake Eyes said nothing, taking his right katana out, getting into a low stance bringing his sword close to his head. Jaiden stretched both legs, his left on the front and his right on the back, putting his right hand on the mat.

Splinter: Hajime!

Jaiden shot two webs at Snake Eyes who sliced the webs quickly, Jaiden performed a front flip spin bringing his leg down at Snake Eyes, the ninja blocked the kick pushing Jaiden back, he thrusted his sword multiple times at Jaiden who dodged all of the thrusts, ducking under the last one putting his hand on the floor and kicked Snake Eyes on the chin. Snake Eyes grunted, grabbing Jaiden's leg and threw him to the ground. Snake Eyes got on top of him jabbing him in his face 5 times, Jaiden grabs one of his fists pushing Snake Eyes back, he pushes him off him, kicks Snake Eyes leg forcing him on one knee, flips up performs a right kick to the face. Snake Eyes wiped where his mouth is on his mask looking back at Jaiden who yawned.

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