Of Rats and Men

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In one of Kravens hidden huts, scattered hunter bodies were around the area fighting further up in the distance, A male hunter hit the wall, and as he looked up barely blocking a fist that shattered his blade, he was then grabbed by the throat, and with one simple twist, died laying on the ground, the camera pans up to Kara glancing behind her to the three remaining female hunters, she picked up one sword from a female body glaring at the three, one of the girls charges in with her axe going for an overhead swing to her neck, she moved like a mirage appearing above her slicing her arm off, then grabbing the girl by her hair, wrapping around the hunter's neck and snapping it like a twig. The remaining two thrust their swords at her, which she leaned under slicing the tip-off of the spear, getting close to the one on the right backhanding her on the chin cracking her jaw, then getting punched again, and again loosening her head then getting kicked into a wall. Picking up a sword from the ground, the last female hunter tries to swing it at Kara, but she turns around biting on the blade and breaking it with just her teeth, the hunter looks fearful before being stabbed in the stomach. Her eyes went dull falling to the ground, Kara scoffs walking to the computer room, and she got to one of the computers already showing the home screen.

Kara: Okay Father let's see what you've got here.

Getting to one of the open tabs, she mostly sees weapon designs, reaching into her pocket taking out a USB drive transferring all weapon data to her computer, switching to another tab was the many victims of Kraven and his men, from Shocker, Beetle, Squirrelanoids, and future hunts like the turtles, the foot clan, Snake Eyes, Jaiden and Shredder. Next to it were video logs so she played the one on the turtles.

Kraven (Video Log): The turtles are merely a myth, but sightings of four mutant turtles each having their own fighting style, weapons, and skills. (Chuckles) I hope they will be worthy of giving me a good hunt. Though, I've been proven wrong before.

Kara's eyes widened a bit before going to the video of Snake Eyes.

Kraven (Video Log): Nate Shadow, a boy who crossed my path before, fought many of my men before coming to New York, I'm praying that he hasn't grown weaker, like his so-called brother he has. Yet, like many snakes, he may prove himself a fangless welp. Not worthy of the hunt.

Next was Shredder, clips of him sitting on his throne in a badass way foot bots standing next to him.

Kraven (Video Log): Shredder, I have history with this man, he was my main hunt in Japan, but he moved to New York having war with these turtles, he's the tiger that escaped my grasp, I'll make sure to kill him and Jack when I have the chance.

Lastly, she went to the one on Jaiden, starting with Kraven displaying screens of him in action, from his battles with the Kraang, shockers goons, foot bots, and human foot ninjas. All are recorded on screen.

Kraven (Video Log): The Lion of New York, the Scarlet Spider, is only a boy yet, has fought aliens, and robotic and human ninjas. Even saved the city of New York from an alien invasion, it is impressive. An actual challenge. I'm excited to see what this Spectacular Scarlet Spider can do.

Those were the end of it, once the USB finished downloading the logs and locations, she yanked it out and ran out of the hideout, not noticing the camera watching her, Kraven in his room sitting down watching the whole thing.

Kraven (Thoughts): Reckless little lamb.

We cut back to New York and April, Casey, Peni, and Irma exiting the pizza restaurant, Irma holding her stomach in pain.

Irma: Ugh, I know they claimed the pizza was gluten-free, but I totally tasted gluten.

Peni: Honestly, you should have gotten the wings, that probably wouldn't make your stomach too upset.

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