Showdown Part 2

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In a random alleyway in New York, the purple dragons corner a guy threatening to take his money, only for the four to look above them seeing a shadow cover them, eventually everyone in New York sees the technodrome. In the New York hospital, Jaiden's mom, Kara lies in bed, until she opens her eyes finally waking up from her coma, she holds her head groaning from the long slumber.

Kara: W-what happened to me?

Soon, she hears car alarms and panic outside, while she couldn't move fully, she could get a good look at what's outside. Seeing the Technodrome, her eyes shrink in fear. She saw six figures flying close to the technodrome.

Kara (Scared): Jaiden.

With the team, Raph let's go of Jaiden black wings sprouting from his back flying alongside the turtles and Snake Eyes. They slowly turnaround from the technodrome fear in all of their systems.

Mikey: I think I speak for everyone when I say AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Raph: What the heck is that thing?

Jaiden: Big alien Kraang thing that reeks of dangerous!

Leo (Panic): It's the end of the world!

Donnie: Actually, it's just the end of humanity's reign as the planet's dominant lifeform. You know like when the dinosaurs-

Snake Eyes (Furious signing): Now's not the time for explanations!

Leo: Yeah, no y-you're doing this now?

Donnie (Stressed): Well excuse me but it helps me deal with stress!

Raph: Well, maybe it doesn't have weapons. Does it look like it has weapons?

Jaiden turned around at the Technodrome seeing the turrets slowly begin to aim at the team.

Jaiden: Are you serious?!

Leo: I think it has weapons!

The technodrome started firing at all angles, not only trying to hit the turtles but also the people of New York who tried to flee the scene.

We cut back to the church Splinter and Shredder stare down at each other

Splinter: Oroku Saki, you were once my friend. I thought of you as my brother.


The screen is grey. The first thing seen is a tree with pink leaves that moved in the winds, bringing the camera down we see a younger Splinter as a human, holding a baby and walking with his wife.

Splinter: 15 years ago, I was a different man, I had everything I could want. A loving wife and a beautiful daughter.

Past Splinter and his wife looked down at their baby with a smile on their faces watching it reach for its parents

Yoshi (Past Splinter): Let's call her Miwa.

The three sit on the edge of a wooden plank near the grass, Splinters wife Tang Shen feeds baby Miwa some milk to help the child grow while Yoshi holds a cup of tea watching both his wife and daughter. Another scene shows Yoshi lifting Miwa up feeling her tug on a piece of his hair as Tang watched a bit amused. Then the three laid on the wooden floor on a mattress and blanket. The parents place the baby in between them.

Splinter: And you my "Loyal" Friend, jealously consumed you! You sought that which was mine.

At the entrance of the wooden house, Shredder's shadow stands in front of it, only for lighting to strike bringing us back to the present.

A Curse Turned into a Gift(Spider-Man Oc x Tmnt 2012)Where stories live. Discover now