It always came back to you

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Summary: Ever since you came to Nevermore, something set you up to be rivals with Xavier. You despised each other, or at least, That's the way it came off to everyone. Maybe it was never hate that drove you apart? Will you find out after the poe Cup how Xavier really feels about you?

Warning(s): will probably consist of name-calling, arguing/bickering, cussing and other small things. Maybe tiny tiny bit suggestive at the end...

The day of the Poe cup finally came around, you were in a cramped tent finalising your costume. There was rumbling of all the voices around the thin sheeted tent. It wasn't long till the game began. You fixed accessories and walked out to greet the rest of your teammates who discussed the 'game plan' really the game plan was just you using your powers to uprise the water to your opponents.

People grouped around and waited for everything to settle down. You sat behind one of the individuals in your group, holding onto the rowing paddle with a tight hold. Turning your head to your surround, your eyes stopping for moments at each of your rivals. But there was one person you only considered as your so-called rival. Xavier Thorpe, the guy you constantly argued with whenever you even opened your mouth around him. He sat in the canoe next to you, wearing his jester considered with his smudged makeup that covered his features.

"Hey! You really suit your new look. It really brings out who you are." You called out to Xavier, a two-sided grin on your face. Xavier narrowed his eyes at you, you could see his hold on the rowing paddle getting tighter when he heard your snarky comment. "Say that to the jester that will be holding the Poe cup trophy later on." Xavier's grin accentuated by the wide red paint that spread across his cheeks. Oh you were so ready to beat him. He was too cocky for his own good. "Hasn't your team lost consecutively?" You give him a final smirk until the game began.

A loud gunshot plowing through the air, riveting the attention of many of the crowd. The moment it went off, you put all your arm strength into the game. Pushing the paddles against the water pushing yourself forward. Eyes only focused ahead of you. Water splashing up around the canoe that was pushing through the water. Up by your side of the canoe was Xaviers clown group trying to stay close to you. If you didn't think he was insane enough, of their game plan seemed to be severing people's heads with the axes that was a part of their canoe. "Psycho." You muttered under your breath.

Land was approaching. You jumped into the shallow water as the rest of your peers shoved the thin canoe closer to the muddy ground as you went off running through the thick woods. It wasn't long till Xavier caught up with you, overtaking you while laughing like a maniac. He was too overjoyed. With one simple flick of your hand, the air went against Xavier causing him to go face-first into the mucky ground. Splashed on the dark went soil over his costume and face paint. You take your chance to run ahead yet again. "You were saying?" You watched him with an evil smile on your face. "Bitch!" He punched his first into the ground. Xavier rushed to get back onto his feet and try to catch up with you again.

You could see the colourful flags standing all neatly aligned. None have been taken yet, it was good to know you're ahead. With a small movement of your hands, branches crumbled to the ground getting out of your way. With a heightened sense of adrenaline going zipping through your veins; you sped up towards the flags.

You tried to pull it out of the ground, but it was stuck very snug into the ground. "Come on! Come out." You groan, tugging on the post of wood that held up your flag. The struggle contained, your hands going red from the constant grabbing of the same post. By this point, Xavier was back on your tail. Running up and grabbing his flag swiftly. "Oh no, you don't." You shake your head as you pushed your hand through the air. A strong swirl of air brought his flag out of his hand, blowing it high into the air. The air pushing the flag far into a tall tree where it got lodged into the branches.

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