Teddy bear

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Xavier and Ajax both thought as they stared down at your now dismembered teddy bear from childhood that was spewing it's cotton stuffing all over your dormitory floor. It had been an accident on their behalf. Ajax and Xavier were mucking about, roughhousing a little too closely to your teddy bear -aptly named mr bow tie for the bow tie it had tucked under it's head- and the next thing they knew, mr bow tie was made the unfortunate victim of their recklessness.

"Way to go dickhead." Ajax smacked Xavier hardly on the shoulder. "Me? Your the one who started the roughhousing!" Xavier hissed as he rubbed the shoulder Ajax hit whilst glaring at him before turning back to the poor teddy bear that was staring up at him in betrayal with it's beady black button eyes. You were going to kicking his ass if you were to ever find out. That teddy bear was a gift from your relatives which in turn was a toy from when they themselves were younger, which only meant one thing; the manufacturing for that specific model of teddy bear had already been discontinued.

Making it near enough impossible for Xavier to find a replica that wasn't already in an even worst condition nor was overly priced due to it being in 'vintage condition' by retro toy collectors. "What're you going to do man?" Ajax asked and in that moment Xavier got an idea. He looked over at the Gorgon, "what We're going to do, Ajax, is this," Xavier placed his hand on his friends shoulder, "I'm going to find y/n a replacement teddy bear and you," Xavier  excentuates  the last word as he draws Ajax close, "are going to help me by distracting y/n long enough for me to sneak the toy into their room. Sound fair? Good."

Xavier didn't wait a single second as he pushed Ajax out of the room before following afterwards out into the hallway which was thankfully deserted of earwigging Harpies and gossip gobbling Sirens. Xavier turns to Ajax who was staring at him like a lost puppy. "Now don't go distracting y/n until I text you to do so. I'll be in town for quite a while so please be on your best behaviour until I get back." He said playfully as he readjusted his friends purple beanie, brushed down the lapels of blazer and straightened out the matching purple hoodie he wore underneath before Ajax snapped out of his daze and pulled himself away from Xavier.

"Okay mom, I'll try not to get in trouble whilst hiding your mess that you made." Ajax retorts as he walked down the hallway, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Don't miss me too much now and get your hands out of your pockets!" Xavier called after him, chuckling when Ajax threw him the middle finger over his shoulder. Once the Gorgon was out of sight, Xavier turned to in the opposite direction and sighed, leaning his head back as he stared up at the ceiling. "This is gonna be fun." He mutters sarcastically, "however this is all for y/n. You're doing this for y/n." He then chanted to himself as he began to make progression on his own mission in getting you a new teddy bear.

Ajax was chilling in the quad when he received a text from Xavier telling him to start the distractions as he was making his way towards the staircase that lead towards your dorm. So when the Gorgon looked up from his phone to see that you, Enid and Wednesday were staring to exit the quad. The boy practically bolted from the wall he was leaning on, jumping over and onto tables, much to the disgruntlement of his fang and fur peers, almost being tripped into the fountain the Sirens claimed by his lousy shoelaces when finally the Gorgon managed to run out in front of you three.

"Hey y/n, Enid...Wednesday." Ajax greeted you all individually, albeit it out of breath but once he got to Wednesday it was more that she scared the breath right out of him then anything. "Where-where we all heading in such a hurry?" He asked just as Xavier crossed his vision, scampering up the staircase two at a time with a gift box clutched to his chest. Ajax hadn't noticed that his eyes lingered on where his friend once was until Wednesday spoke up on it. "Care to share what you were looking at first, Petropolus." Ajax stiffed at the use of his last name as he looked to see that you, Enid and Wednesday were staring at him suspiciously.

Shit he thought to himself before concealing his nervousness with a cough, "just ah...just saw a cobweb," he came up with on the fly as he pretended to look back at where the cobweb was, "yeah. Weems needs to get on that. We don't want people with arachnophobia to die of fright. Ya know, it's a valid fear that shouldn't be underestimated." Ajax trailed off before coughing again when he felt the air becoming too stifling. "Where were you guys heading off to again? I don't think I heard it the first time." He asked, his voice now an octave higher then usual as leant against the archway.

"We didn't say where we were going but I was just about to head up to my dorm and get my textbooks because Enid suggested that me, herself and Wednesday study for our botany test in their dorm-" "we had a botany test?! When is it due?" Ajax abruptly cut you off as you looked between Wednesday and Enid to make sure you weren't the only one who was witness to the Gorgon's sudden change in character. "Tomorrow." Enid answered as she clung onto your arm-scared- whilst Wednesday had to console Thing. "Shit." He cursed under his breath for the second time today as his eyes instinctively looked up the staircase, to see Xavier giving him the thumbs up to let him know the plan hand been successful before walking down the rest of the way to help his friend out.

"Oh hey Ajax, I've been looking for you everywhere." Xavier greeted the Gorgon by slinging his arm over his shoulder before turning to you, Enid and Wednesday. "Where you guys going, lunch isn't over for another 20 minutes." He jutted his chin back over to the quad behind you. "Well as I told Ajax, I just need to head up to my dorm and retrieve my text books so I can go study for our botany test over at Enid and Wednesday's dorm." You reiterated for Xavier, sensing that something was definitely amiss but you were just not getting it.

Xavier's eyes widened with delight as he dragged Ajax with him to the side and out of your way, flashing you a charming smile. "Well then why are you wasting time with little old us when you should be roaming knowledge into your smart brain of yours! Go! Go! Go!" He chanted as you walked up the stairs, still looking down at him and Ajax weirdly. It wasn't until you disappeared onto the floor or your dormitory when Xavier let his shoulders slump and let out an exaggerate sigh. "We had a test?" He asked Ajax.

"Yep." The Gorgon responded simply.

"When?" Xavier asks again.

"Tomorrow apparently." Ajax replied with a shrug.

"Shit." Xavier cursed. "We're fucked." Ajax concluded for his friend as they both continued to stare at the staircase. "I hope y/n likes their new teddy bear though." Xavier changed the subjected. "I'm sure they will dude."

Once you had gotten into your dorm the first thing you saw was the gift box sat upon your bed with it's lid open. Inside was a teddy bear with golden brown fur and hazel button eyes that reminded you of a certain someone. The teddy wore a paint stained apron whilst holding a paintbrush in one paw and a pallet in the other. "Well ain't you an cutie." You cooed as you lifted the teddy from it box and bringing it to your chest for a tight squeeze when you noticed it's added feature; The teddy smelt of pine, papier-mâché, 8B pencil graphite, charcoal and cologne. All these smells you got whenever you hugged Xavier or sat within close proximity to him in class.

Almost as though you had discovered a hidden secret, a slip of paper fell from the seemingly nowhere and landed at your feet, It read as follows;

'Hope you like you new teddy friend, y/n. call him/her/they whatever you like as comeuppance for Ajax killing Mr bow tie. It was all him. Kill him not me.

Love you lots, your handsome boyfriend, Xavier.'

You gently placed the teddy bear back into it box, bopping it on the nose before looking back out into the hallway as you screamed, "AJAX! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!"

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