Are you fucking stupid?

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Genre: Angst to fluff

Summary: You get in an argument with your best friend, who you are hopelessly in love with.

Warnings: Mentions of Smoking

"Why don't you try fencing?" Xavier asks

"No Xavier, fencing is for people with Mommy and or Daddy issues" You say as you flip through your book

"Wait- Why- What do you mean by that?" He looks up from his canvas

"Haven't you noticed? Everyone who is in fencing has issues with their parents. Wednesday, Bianca, You"

"WHy are you bringing me into this" He turns to look at you

"Because! That isn't important! What's with you and Wednesday, that's the real question chucklefuck" You annoyingly look at him

"There's nothing with us" He quickly looks away, face heating up.

"There's obviously something going on between you guys. Tell me the deetz" You smile, taking your eyes off your book to lie down on the floor looking up at him, your legs kicking back and forth teasingly.

He finally puts down his paint pallet and turns to look at you.

"She asked me to the Rav'N" He says, your legs slowly stop kicking, your smile withered down.

You had a huge crush on your best friend, which was one of the things that you didn't want to happen when you met Xavier.

"But... turned out she was using me for something." He chuckled dryly as he looked at the ground avoiding your eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that"

"It's okay, I'm going with Bianca"

"WHAT" You shout as you quickly get up from the floor

"YOU'RE GOING WITH BIANCA?" You look at him with disbelief

"Yeah? What's the problem" He rolls his eyes

"You literally broke up with her because she was manipulating you"

"I mean yeah but-"

"Are you literally fucking stupid, you're going back to someone who mentally hurt you" You scold him

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're stupid, you'll go back to someone who hurt you and once you get hurt, I'll have to pick up the pieces they've left and put them together." You were blinded with jealousy, you forgot to check your tone and words.

You were known as silent but deadly, everyone knew your words sting when you shoot them out your mouth. They sting with venom.

"If it bothers you so much why not leave?" He yells back at you

"OKay? I am gonna leave!" You yell in frustration as you leave the shed slamming the door in the process.

You walk to the school in shambles and sadness realizing you probably just ruined your friendship with your only true friend.

As you arrive at your dorm, you slam the door and run to your bed hoping to sleep everything off.

Your door opens as your dorm mate, Yoko enters.

"Rough day?" She looks at your puffy eyes and the snot dripping out your nose.

You aggressively rub your eyes and nose. "Yeah"

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks as she pats the empty spot on her bed

You smiled as you sat beside her.

"So, what happened?" She asked

"I asked him what's going on between him and Wednesday, he said he got asked out by her for the Rav'N, and so obviously my mood went down because, who wuoldn't be sad if their crush got asked out on a dance. And then he said it was because she needed him for something. SO INSTEAD HE'S GOING WITH BIANCA. So then we got in a argument on why I cared and I called him stupid and I left" You sobbed on her shoulder.

"Well you both were in the wrong, you should apologize to him before or after the Rav'N dance. Make it up to him! Maybe he'll forgive you, you still have a chance." She smiles at yu.

"But for now, get some sleep" She pats your back

You smile back at her and thanked her for the small therapy session you had. You go back to your bed and drifted off to ssleep


On the day of the Rav'N dance, you're going with some stoner (tbh me too) but he left you for another girl. You were now sitting infront of the entrance of the dance.

A cigarette between your fingers, you got from another stoner;

Your hair was now a mess from constantly scratching it out of stress, your makeup running down your face.

"Is this spot taken?" A familiar voice asked

You look up to see Xavier

"No it isn't" You say as you moved a bit to make space.

"So how have you been?" He asks

"I've been okat" You smile as you put out the cigarette on a pillar

"I'm sorry by the way, I didn't mean to say those things, I just didn't want u to get hurt again" You say while looking at the ground, avoiding his eyes.

"It's okay, we didn't work out anyway." He smiles at you even though you weren't looking at him.

From outside you hear a slow song start to play.

You finally look at him, smiling at each other.

"Care for a dance?" He asks, he offers his hand.

"It'd be a pleasure" You smile as you grab his hand, as he helps you up.

You both slowly dance to the muffled music in the back.

ENjoying the comforting silence.

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