Not so innocent game of truth or dare

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Summary: Unbeknownst to them, Xavier and the reader are crushing on one another. In a not so innocent game of truth or dare some feelings come to the surface. Will something beautiful blossom from this?

Warnings: mention of drinking alcohol, sexual tension

You sat at your desk, studying while listening to music. Your foot was tapping along to the beat as the melody blasted through your headphones. It helped you focus on the tedious task of writing an essay about some boring plant. That was till your favorite song came on. You couldn't help yourself but dance along to it. You jumped up from your chair, wildly swinging your arms and bouncing around the room. Sitting still had caused a lot of pent up energy to be stuck in your body, making its way through your veins like a string of electricity. As you moved your body along the music, you felt the overload of energy decrease. You danced till you finally deemed yourself calm enough to sit still again, or as still as possible. You had to switch positions every few minutes, bouncing your leg and fiddling with some stupid object in your hand as your wrote down the information.

The words were flowing from your pen. Every once in a while you browsed through the pages of the book, looking up new information that you could use in your essay. You were engulfed in your own work bubble, not aware of your surroundings. This caused you to miss the knock on your door. The intruder sighed at the sight of your studying figure , walking further into the room until they stood next to your desk. You only noticed their presence when your headphones were abruptly taken from your head. This made you jump up, nearly hitting the person square in the face. "What the hell, Enid", you exclaimed in an annoyed tone, slowly lowering your arms. She watched you with wide eyes, holding her hands up in surrender. "Sorry", she gave you an apologetic look. 'What do you want?", you asked her in a monotone voice, not pleased being interrupted while you finally were able to concentrate on something. She raised her eyebrow, questioning if you were really asking her such a thing. In response, you lightly shook your head while scrunching your eyebrows together in confusion. "It's Friday", she exclaimed, as if it were obvious. But this statement didn't gave you any more information. "I'm aware, yes", you still held the same confused expression on your face, not getting where she was going with this conversation. "You're not supposed to study on a Friday. Let's party, have some fun". Her exciting energy was contagious, lighting your sour mood in an instance. "Temping, but I decline your offer', you gave her a small smile, while taking your headphones back from her hand that was still holding onto them. You were about to put them on your head again, walking back towards your desk as she stopped you in your tracks. "Oh come on, (y/n). Please come hang out with us", she begged, putting on her best puppy eyes. "I can't". "How so?" Enid wasn't going to give up so easily. This was going to be a long night. You sighed. "Because of this stupid essay. I need to get a head start on it otherwise I won't be able to finish it in time". She scoffed at your statement. "Of course, you will. You are one of the smartest person I know." You chuckled: "I didn't state that I wasn't smart. It's just that writing this essay is such a soul-destroying task that my ADHD-brain will just procrastinate it until I only have a few hours left until the deadline." The blond girl nodded in understanding, but wasn't giving up. "I'll help you finish it.. Just come hang out with us for now". You let out another sigh, pondering over the offer. It was tempting, very tempting. Any activity that wasn't writing that stupid essay sounded good to you at the moment.

"We're all going to hang out in Xavier's dorm, drinking booze..." Enid wiggled her eyebrows at you, knowing that you wouldn't want to miss out on hanging around Xavier. You regretted telling her the truth about your silly crush on the so called tortured artist. But in all honesty, she had infiltrated your life. If she wasn't so curious, watching your every move as you were around him, your crush would've still been a secret. Ever since she found out that information, she had been teasing you. As for the current situation, she used it to persuade you, knowing that it would be hard to decline her offer if you knew Xavier would be there. You opened your mouth to speak, but she gave you no time actually for a respons. "Whatever, you're going with me anyway", she spoke while grabbing a hold of your wrist, lightly dragging you out of your dorm room. "Enid stop. At least give me the chance to change clothes". She looked over her shoulder, eyeing you up and down - all while she was still dragging you through the halls. "You look amazing, no need to change". You doubted her, seen that you wore a very oversized sweater on top of your dress. Your legs were covered in nylon stockings as your feet were covered in fussy sock. None of the colours matched one another. It was as if you just had thrown on any piece you found the quickest. You briefly looked at your feet, realizing that you weren't wearing any shoes. "I'm not even wearing shoes", you exclaimed. "Doesn't matter, we're not going outside." You let out a loud sigh, knowing that arguing with the blond werewolf was not going to bring you anywhere. She would only let go of your wrist until you arrived at Xavier's dorm. So you let yourself get dragged along the cold halls of Nevermore.

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