Xavier x reader (no story title)

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"Fuck." You hissed as your arrow embedded itself just a little to the left of the bullseye where as Xavier's whistles through the air and hits it dead on. "Aww is wittle y/n loosing their touch?" You grunted in response at his teasing  as you reached for another arrow and began to knot it back until it was level with your cheek and the string was straining against your fingers. Xavier chuckled at your inherent annoyance towards your recent string of losses recently.

Which was a little out of the ordinary for you as Xavier knew that once you had been given a bow and arrow or a foil, you were suddenly poised with a precision and persistence that was unmatched; So much so that it gave birth to your long running rivalry with Xavier Thorpe. "Be annoyed all you want but it ain't going to clear up your sudden performance issues, but that's none of my concern if it keeps handing me easy wins over you." He cheeked as he went for another arrow, knotting it back perfectly till it reached his cheek and his hazel eyes were locked onto the target before him.

God why did you have to like the prick? Sure he was a conventionally attractive male with silky golden brown hair that framed his face to perfection no matter what style he had it in, whether it be up in a bun, a classic ponytail or just left to cascade to his shoulders like a chocolate waterfall. His hazel eyes were like an enchanted forest that held more mystery, more wonder, mischief and so much more within them that it enticed your curiosity into exploring all his beautiful eyes have to give. His face was as though constructed by porcelain, crafted by the skilfully steady and careful hands of an artist as they poured everything into Xavier's creation; as an artist himself, Xavier often fails to see the masterpiece that stares back at him most days.

"I'd really appreciate it you would kindly put the same amount of focus as you do me onto the target, people might think you have a crush on me with your less then subtle staring." You stiffened at Xavier's words, forcing yourself into remaining composed as to not further give him more leverage over you easily also reminding of yourself that Xavier was merely teasing, he wasn't as observant when his headspace was in a more competitive state. "Only in your dreams Thorpe, who in their right mind would ever have a crush on the likes of you?." You scoffed, looking away from him and back at the targets set in a line up in front of you. "Since we're on the topic of dreams, I bet I'm in yours quite often aren't I?"

His words took you off guard as your arrow slipped from your fingers and flew past the intended target and found itself a new home within the bark of the tree that some vampires had took refuge under, just a ways away from your archery range.  "Sorry!" You yelled out to them as they scrambled away in fright. "Try aiming for the target next time, weirdo." One of them muttered as they shoulder checked you on their way back to their dorms, the fun having been ruined for them. You cringed, embarrassed and ashamed of your seemingly lack of control over your own self over some stupid fucking crush, whom -by the way- was currently laughing his ass off beside you so hard that his eyes were watering and his cheeks were reddening by the second.

"Holy shit! You almost found yourself a new target between that vampires eyes!" Xavier exclaimed as he tried to wipe away the tears that just kept coming, laughing himself into such hysterics that he had to sit down on the ground in fear of collapsing from it. As cute as his laughter was, you told yourself that he wasn't laughing with you but more so at you for your mistake which made a familiar pang go off within your chest as you hastily put away your bow and arrow before you could accidentally hurt someone with it, as you then decided that it would be best that you took a step back from your extracurricular for now until your head cleared.

Seeing that you had already started walking away from the archery range, Xavier immediately sobered up from his laughter and began to put away his own bow and arrow before choosing to follow after you, conceded that he might've pushed the boundaries a little bit too far. This was never an issue before but something was obviously off and Xavier believed that he was heavily to blame for your recent changes.

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