Bloodied petals pt 2

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Summary: Denial and weird roommates aren't helping your health to improve. During the Poe cup, Xavier starts to suspect that something is wrong.

Warnings: angst, mention of blood, swearing.

A few days had passed since that night. The frequency of the coughs hadn't died down, although it was always quite unpredictable. Some days were easier than others, you only sneezed a few petals here and there; but some others were filled with sharp pain in your chest, uncontrollable coughs and whole flowers throwed up at the worst moments. You even started to feel lightheaded sometimes, as the unforgiving pressure on your chest squeezed harder and harder with every cough.

Thankfully you always managed to excuse yourself when you felt the pressure of a rough cough starting to build up in your chest. Like now, you were kneeling on one of the restroom's floors, bent over the toilet sink and throwing up everything you could to try to free your lungs at least a little. Silently praying that no one was around to hear your choking sounds, you managed to throw out the last flower out of your throat. Wiping your mouth with the back of your trembling hand, you flushed the toilet, watching the white petals coated in blood being washed away. Sighing, you closed the toilet lid and sat on it, burying your face in your hands. Those last days had been hectic and your condition hadn't improved the slightest. It even seemed worse than before, with some violent setbacks like now. It sometimes felt so hard to breathe for a few minutes, while you had never experienced any serious health issues before.

Maybe it was the stress; after Rowan's aggression at the fair, Wednesday's allegations about his death, then him being expelled, nothing made sense these days. Xavier hadn't mentioned anything from that evening in his dorm. The day after had been a little bit awkward, but then the both of you acted like nothing happened; still, you started to put some distance between you. Firstly because you didn't want to make things more weird, and second because you didn't want anyone to know about that strange condition of yours. Plus, the sensation of aching lungs seemed to be worse every time you were around him. It surely didn't mean anything, but it was a good excuse to avoid him until your health improved.

Checking your phone you noticed that your next class was about to start in a few minutes. So you gathered yourself, wiped the last remaining traces of tears or blood on your face, and got out of the restroom.

You slid on your seat in literature class just in time before the teacher started their lecture. Trying to pull out your notes and pen the more discreetly you could, you didn't notice the worried look Xavier gave you from across the room. It wasn't like you at all to be late for class. Even less to be so clumsy, he noted internally as you dropped your pen for the third time in five minutes. Xavier frowned. Something felt off about you and he couldn't help but feel guilty about it deep down. You had left his dorm hurriedly last time ; he didn't know exactly why but he still had the feeling he had something to do with it.

So when class was dismissed and all the students exited the room he rushed to catch you in the corridor.

"Hey," he called softly when reaching you.

Your head whipped in his direction, eyes wide. You had been so deep in your thoughts you hadn't heard him.

"Hey," you breathed back. His sudden apparition had almost startled you.

Xavier opened his mouth, about to say something but then he noticed your wince at the loud barks and laughs of a few werewolves students passing by. The quad was full of students at this break time, and your recent lack of sleep made you irritable to the ambient noise.

So he grabbed your hand and muttered something about the place being too loud as he gently tugged you in a corridor. The sudden contact had made your heart race despite the familiarity of it; you silently prayed that he couldn't feel your racing pulse under his long fingers, delicately wrapped around your wrist.

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