Bloodied petals pt 1

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Summary: The Hanahaki disease, when flowers start to grow in the lungs of people experiencing unrequited or one-sided love. You never thought Xavier would be the reason you'd start to cough petals.

Warnings: angst, mention of blood

Through blurry eyes you could barely recognize where you were. Sure, the stone arches looked vaguely familiar and maybe the floor you were laying on was too. But right now, everything felt so far away, not the rough surface of the stone floor under your palms, the smell of burning fire in through your nostrils nor the panicked screams seemed able to reach you. The only thing you could feel was the plaguing weight inside of your chest, crushing your lungs under its unforgiving pressure.

You coughed, mouth filled with blood and stained petals. At every cough it felt like your throat and chest were lit on fire and tears escaped the corner of your eyes. This pain should be familiar by now, it has grown stronger for weeks. Still, it hurt like a bitch and now the pain had numbed everything else.

In the distance, green lightning and clashes of steel were the last of your worries. Even if you tried, you couldn't care less about all of this because your whole body just hurt so much. Someone shouted, closer this time. God, when would this excruciating feeling of your heart and lungs being squeezed to death ever stop?
Something dropped beside you. Or was it someone? You tried to say something, at least to say you were still alive. Nothing but gurgled sounds came out of you; words were stuck with the blood and flowers that had been growing inside of your chest and crawling out of your throat for the past weeks.

Someone ripped your jacket open and pressed something on your plexus. Once, twice, a third time and on, repeatedly. Trying to force some of those flowers out to get you some air. They called you. Another hand cradled your cheek and a face came into your blurred vision. Even on the verge of death you could recognize those hazel hair and brown eyes anywhere. The pathetic attempt at calling out Xavier's name only came out as a weak wheeze, as more blood dripped from your mouth.

As the crushing feeling in your chest grew even heavier, at a point where your own body couldn't take it anymore, you felt yourself slip away. When your vision went black, you wondered how things could have turned differently.


2 months earlier

It happened for the first time during fencing class.

All the students had stopped their practice to stare at the intense sparring between Bianca and the new student cladded in black. Mask tucked under your arm, you didn't miss a second of their pride-filled match.

"Never thought I'd see Bianca having her ass kicked in fencing" you whispered.

Next to you, Xavier let out a chuckle.

"You did beat her several times last year if I reckon"

That made you snort, "Yeah, like I said, I never saw someone do it, I was too busy actually succeeding at it."

To be honest, it was a tight match between you and Bianca on who was the best in the fencing team. But you had backed down when she and Xavier had started dating ; you didn't want his new girlfriend to hate your guts more than she already could. Being Xavier's childhood friend had made things awkward in the beginning of their relationship. You couldn't say she was really fond of you now, but at least you were civil to each other.

Bianca's opponent executed a pirouette to dodge the siren's attack and you let out a low whistle.

"Woah, guess Wednesday does know her shit," you said in admiration.

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