High Xavier x reader

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It was to no surprise that upon making your way to your dormitory, you would hear Xavier's incoherent babbling and light hearted giggles before you could seen his slanted form pressed up against the wall next to your door. Things at Nevermore were becoming more and more stressful for both staff and students alike, and everyone was looking for a primary method in making it all go away for a good few hours.

Some chose to focus heavily on their piling homework, extracurriculars or kept themselves busy by performing mundane tasks whilst others would resort to other methods. As in Xavier's case, that would be getting high as a kite in Ajax's room. You weren't one to judge peoples perfected form of de-stressing, it would just be hypocritical if you did to begin with; However someone relives themselves was of none of your concern.

What was of your concern was the fact that if you didn't do something with Xavier now before the teachers came to check on everyone, you'd both be fucked. The only downside in attempting to move Xavier the giggly over there was that he tended to became quite clingy whilst high; Which made it all the more difficult to haul him into your dorm without him managing to drag you down to the floor with him. Unfortunately time wasn't on your side to debate on how you were going to move him, "Xav?" His head picked up like a dogs at the sound of your name as a dopey smile beamed across his face.

"Y/n, look!" He cried between giggles as he showed you his hands before looking taken aback at his fingers as he wiggled them, "I've got fingers!" He told you, astonished, "they're waving at me y/n...I don't like it." You fought back a laugh at Xavier's weariness of his own limbs as you knelt by his side. "They're only saying hi, there's no need to be afraid of them." You played along by holding some of his fingers at the base of his hand,  forcing them to move as though on their own accord.

Xavier gasps and leans into your side, "they're doing it again." He said in what he probably believed was a whisper but was more of a whisper shout. His doe eyes never left his fingers, on edge that one of them might pull out a switchblade and knick him when he wasn't looking. "I believe they're trying to tell you something, should i tell you what they're saying?" You asked, seeing this as an opening into getting Xavier to become complacent enough for you to get him into your dorm. "You speak fingers, y/n?" Xavier asked. "Yep." You replied.

"Tell me what they're saying, tell me what they're saying!" He chanted and you moved his fingers again randomly as though they were 'speaking.' You made a variety of faces throughout the 'conversation' before humming to yourself in deep thought. "What did they say, what did they say!" Xavier cried as he leaned himself heavily against you, causing you to groan at how heavy the boy really was. "They told me that you should let me help you into my dorm before we get into some really big trouble." You told him as though you were telling a child. Was it right? No. Was it the only option you had in getting him to do as you say? Yes.

"What kind of trouble?" Xavier says softly this time, never letting his eyes off of you. "Dunno, you gotta let me help you into my dorm first." You shrugged, dragging one of his arms over your shoulder as your other arm was brought to his waist, "ready?" You asked him. "Anything for my little finger buddies." Xavier replied with determination and with minimum amount of effort you managed to haul him off the floor and into your dorm, where you quickly lead him to where your bed was before retreating back to the open door to close it shut. 

"Y/n." Xavier called. "Yeah?" You replied, looking back to find him staring at his fingers once more as he subconsciously wiggles them. It was cute seeing how serious he looked whilst trying to understand the language of his fingers. However it made for better blackmail material for later use should he ever get cocky with you in the distant future; Maybe you could even use this against him in the next Poe Cup so that you could score your team the victory and bragging rights bonus?

"What're they saying now?" He asked and that was when you were drawn out of fantasy land and reminded that you were still expected to keep up the charade that you could -through some bullshit logic- understand his 'finger friends.' "Let me see." You sighed as you clambered over your bed to sit besides Xavier as he held out his hand towards you to get a better look at his fingers. Once again you made a variety of exaggerated expressions, followed by a series of hums and other vocal choices to keep up the ridiculous illusion you created. Karma truly was a bitch in this instance as it dawned on you that until Xavier fell asleep, you were doomed to keep up the act.

"They ask if your hungry, sleepy, or otherwise?" You relied to him as he furrowed his brows in thought and his lip was drawn into a childlike pout. "I am kinda sleepy." He admits almost sheepishly, resting his head against your shoulder, his eyes closing briefly before opening again. "Will you sleep with me?" He asks innocently enough but you had to hold back on chocking on your own spit at his request before forcing your mind out of the gutter; reminding yourself that he was still very much in fact high. "Sure Xavier, I'll sleep with you."

At your response Xavier was quick to cage you in between his arms, holding you tightly against his chest as he burrowed his head into the crevice of your neck, whilst his silky soft golden-brown locks tickled the skin of your jaw and the column of your neck. "Thank you for taking care of me." He says lowly, voice laced with tiredness that you couldn't help but nose the hollow of his neck. "It's not an issue Xavier, just get some sleep for me. Okay?" You murmured. "Okay."

Xavier fell asleep pretty quickly after that as you started running your fingers through his hair after wrangling it to freedom from being pinned to your side for so long and every attempt you made to move after that, a whine would rip from his throat and his arms would tightened their grip. You've long accepted that he wasn't letting go anytime soon and eventually gave into your new fate as his personal pillow. It was worth it for the hassle you had to been put through prior so you were opting to see this as rather a reward that you could enjoy.

Besides you didn't have much going on anyways, which was probably why Ajax purposefully left him on your doorstep...you'd get that Gorgon back sooner or later, you swore it. For now, sleep.

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