Xavier drawing on you

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Xavier had been extra fidgety today. He couldn't focus in class at all, eyes trained on his page as he drowned out Ms. Thornhill's teaching. She caught on soon, noticing how he wasn't present in the conversation at all and decided the way to fix that was by taking away his sketchbook.

"Your grades in this class are already dropping dangerously low, Mr. Thorpe. I suggest you pay attention," she told him sternly, taking his book and placing it on her desk. She then added, "And I better not find any ink on that table after class!"

Which leads to where you are now. Hand on his thigh in hopes of stopping its anxious bouncing while he twirls a pen in his hands, desperately trying to calm himself. It's useless though, drawing is what he's always done when his mind gets restless like this, but he can't exactly do it now, with nothing to draw on.

It's then that the idea pops into your head. Gently, you take the pen from his twitching hands and he looks at you curiously. You uncap the pen and write the words 'draw on me :)' onto your arm, passing it back to Xavier and smiling at him.

He nods gratefully and takes the pen in his long fingers. He bites his lip as he gets to work inking your arm. You enjoy the light scratchy feeling on your skin as he decorates it in little drawings. Mostly of flowers he finds in the room and you, his greatest inspiration.

By the end of class, you've got a sleeve of sketches and designs black ink. Thankfully, Xavier chose to work on your non-dominant side, so you were still able to take notes. Ones that you make a mental note to share with your boyfriend later.

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