Xavier x reader

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You and Xavier had made plans to meet in the library after dinner on Friday then take a little walk through the forest and spend some time together in his art shed. It wasn't anything special, just the two of you hanging out. Xavier was one of three real friends that you had, and recently you had both been making more efforts to spend time together. It made your heart flutter thinking about how he wanted to spend time with you. To be completely honest, you had been crushing on him long before you even spoke to him. But eventually, Enid had gotten sick of your daydreaming about him and had pushed you into becoming friends. Now you were thick as thieves, and plans like the ones you had for Friday were not uncommon.

You were glad for the plans being made in advance because Xavier had been distant lately. Ever since Wednesday Addams had arrived at the school. First he was just quiet, more so than usual. He wasn't making the same efforts to talk to you, but you thought he was just tired. But then he started hanging out with her more. You weren't jealous, but your anxiety and past traumas that had contributed to your shyness also caused you to worry about this. What if he was sick of you? What if he was finally tired of how quiet and dependent you were and wanted somebody better? Someone more like Wednesday....

So you were glad to get to spend time with him. When Friday rolled around, you spent almost all afternoon after classes getting ready. Your roommate, Isabella, spent the entire time teasing you.

"Gosh y/n, are you two hanging out, or are you guys banging?" She laughed at you. "I'm kidding, but really, you look gorgeous."

You just smiled and continued your routine. You had your hair and makeup done, and your outfit was perfect. You were practically vibrating with excitement. By the time dinner rolled around you were too nervous to eat, so you opted to stay in your room and calm yourself down. Looking back at it now, you wondered if things had been different if you had went down to eat with your friends.

You waited a few minutes after dinner was over to head down to the library, you didn't want to seem too eager. Dinner ended at 6:45, so you arrived at the library at 7. Xavier wasn't there yet, but you figured he was just up in his room changing his clothes from the day. So you walked around, browsing the books and finding a couple you wanted to read. By the time you had checked them out and sat at one of the tables, you checked your phone and saw it was 7:20. Okay, so Xavier was a little late. Maybe you'd send him a quick text to make sure he was alright.

To: Xavier <3

Hey, you alr? We still on for tonight?

You waited a few minutes before you checked for his response. But to your dismay, nothing. You were ignoring your anxiety before, but now you couldn't. Your heart clenched and your head filled with anxious thoughts. Twisting your hands and biting your lips, you didn't notice how much time had passed until you checked your phone again. 7:40. Oh.

You didn't know what to do. Did you wait? what if something was wrong? You tried calling Xavier again. Nothing. Another text.

To: Xavier <3

You ok? it's getting late? want me to come to your dorm?

You waited again. At 7:50 you checked for an answer, but nothing. Tears pricked at your eyes, but you quickly blinked them back. There was no reason to cry. Surely Xavier had some kind of explanation.

So you gathered your things and headed towards the boys dorms. As you walked towards your destination, you tried to come up with ideas of what could have happened. Maybe he got caught up with homework or he accidentally fell asleep? Although it would sting a little bit if he did, you would understand. Maybe Ajax really needed him, or his father was being a dick again? You continued to list options until you heard voices up ahead of you. You stopped, not wanting to intrude on anyone's conversation and tried to hear who was talking. You just wanted to see if you were okay to keep going. But you wished you hadn't. You wished you had gone back to your dorm and pretended you just never had plans. But you hadn't done that. So here you were, and you heard Wednesday and Xavier. Together.

"Well, tonight was... fun," you heard a voice, undeniably Xavier's voice, say.

"Yes. Thank you for your acquaintance."

And that was Wednesday. Your heart clenched. You were shaking, when did you start shaking? Your vision was blurry and you felt the tears on your cheeks, but you couldn't find it in yourself to move. You were anchored to the floor.

"I'm tired so I'm gonna..."

"Right. Goodnight, Xavier. I will see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Wednesday. See you later."

You could hear the smile in Xavier's voice, and though you didn't think it could happen, your heart clenched more. But then you heard footsteps, Wednesday's, coming towards you and you knew you had to go. So you bolted.

You don't remember getting back to your dorm, but it was empty when you arrived. Isabella was probably smoking with Ajax and Enid so you let yourself break down. You held yourself and fell to your knees, sobs wracking your body. You had trusted Xavier with your heart, even if it was unbeknownst to him, and he had crushed it in a matter of an hour. You couldn't believe yourself. You felt pathetic and wanted to rip your heart out of your chest. It hurt so fucking bad. You were so fucking sad. But you were also angry, you realized. You were so, so angry. Quickly, you did the first thing that came to mind. You ripped your phone out of your pocket and clicked on Xavier's contact. You didn't care to check if he had ever answered, you just clicked on the picture of you two that was his profile picture. The tears fell harder when you saw it, so you quickly did what your emotional mind thought was best.

Blocked. And contact deleted.

Then you dragged yourself to your feet, mind set on forgetting this. Forgetting Xavier fucking Thorpe.


No, there isn't a part 2. Yes, my 1 am self looked for it but I couldn't find it.

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