Xavier x reader

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Xavier expressed his feelings best through the media of his art. He would find it best when looking for inspiration, that he were to sit through his emotions and feel out what art style would suit the subject best in expressing every fibre optic detail possible. Xavier also never found it difficult to find inspiration for his next piece whilst attending a particular school such as Nevermore Academy. Wherever he looked there was always something that would have him reaching into his bag for his stencils, charcoals and sketch pad and allow himself to be driven deep into his study, sketched, shaded and or painted within a matter of minutes.

The quad during lunch

The flowers within miss Thronhill's botany class

Sirens playing in Lake Eerie

Vampires under tree shade

Werewolves digging up unidentified bones

Blades of grass with drops of early morning dew still clinging onto them.

Any and all butterfly species that would land on Ajax's nose whilst he was sleeping.

Subjects like these could be found seen in their finished product, pinned up on Xavier's bulletin board, strategically placed in positions as though they all told individual aspects and view points from the same story. However Xavier carried two sketchbooks. One was at the end of it's run as it was clearly hanging by a thread from how overstuffed it was with his casual one off sketches. The other however was more well kept and pristine then it's predecessor, as it had a built in locking system, a polished looking pure leather cover -not like those faux kind- and  a multiple facets that made his hobby as an artist a hell of a lot easier. This sketchbook (if it could be called that) was solely restricted for passion projects only; projects that Xavier Thorpe would rather die then let anyone, even Ajax, from seeing beyond it's cover.

His frequent passion project? You of course.

Xavier felt his emotions quite deeply, so when the artist one day found himself finding inspiration within the crows feet creasing the corner of your eyes as you laughed at what your friend said, throwing your head back just enough for the natural light to reflect every individual follicle of your hair as it moved like a calming river. He had already sketched out a full scale portrait of your face and some other small sketches in the available space. One sketch became two, two sketches became four, four sketches then became six and so on until a massive proportion of his sketchbook became studies of you; whether it be your face, hands, or just some sketches where you were doing you.

Today Xavier found himself drawing yet another sketch of you during botany class instead of the white orchid like he had planned, he was quick to snap out of his rose tinted illusion; suddenly realising that you were situated next to him and could peek over his shoulder at any given time and see your own face peering back. Xavier were quick to snap his sketchbook shut and onto his unsuspecting hand, causing a resounding thud followed by a pained grunt that -unfortunately for Xavier- brought the whole classes eyes onto him. "Xavier, are you alright?" You whispered softly from beside him, shoulder brushing against his own which made the poor boy break out into a hive of goosebumps. Before he could open his mouth to answer you, miss Thornhill's voice wedged between you two. "Mr Thorpe? Mrx l/n? Did you have anything to share with the class?"

The teacher flashed a grin so fake that it should be put in a 'who smiles the fakest' contest  principle Weems during public outings and Dr Kinbott. "Xavier hurt his hand, may he be excused to leave for the nurses office or is your lesson more important then the current condition of his hand is subjected to be sidelined?" The class 'oohed' at your words as the smile on mrs Thornhill's face faltered a little only briefly; as she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply through her nose, opening her eyes once more just as her smile regained it's previous position.

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