Fish boy

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Warnings : Angst, fluff, our resident tortured artist <3

Xavier has been in a mood for the last few days. But the reason behind it soon becomes clear to you. It's nearly Christmas. Which means Winter break... and going home for the holidays. Which he is not a fan of.

To him, the whole Christmas thing seems a bit overrated. But that's because Christmas is hard for him - it always has been. He's never really had the opportunity to properly enjoy it. That is until you showed up.

You're a ball of energy always - so the countdown to Christmas is really where your excitement peaks. You can hardly contain your happiness when you see the first few flecks of snow begin to fall whilst out on a walk with him. And he just can't seem to wipe that smile off his face. He watches you in utter awe as you dance under the streetlamps in the falling snow, twirling you beneath his arm.

You took him ice skating at a pop up in Jericho just last week (it took a lot of convincing on your part). Neither of you had ever been before and you took it as the perfect opportunity to get him in the Christmas mood. You quickly learnt that ice-skating was not made for you. But, Xavier on the the other hand took it all in his stride. Seeing your shocked reaction at how difficult it really was made the whole experience entirely worth it for him.

A handful of Christmas themed dates later and you find yourself wrapped up in a thick blanket reading Percy Jackson in his dorm, whilst he packs his things up.

You're wearing grey crocheted leg warmers, courtesy of Enid and one of his dark oversized sweaters. You have a hot water bottle resting on your stomach as well as a thick blanket over your legs. But, Xavier is wandering about his dorm in just sweatpants and a t-shirt. He must be crazy.

The room is pretty quiet, except for the occasional flick of you turning the page and his bare feet padding across the floor as he travels between his wardrobe and suitcase.

You glance over in his direction, as you turn the page of your book. His brown hair falls limply into his eyes as he leans over his suitcase, reaching for a pair of sweatpants that must have escaped his line of sight earlier. Xavier folds them in half and than rolls them up to fit into his already nearly full case.

He is uncharacteristically quiet and you can only assume that it's because of the two of you having to part ways for the holidays. That and the added factor of him having to return to a lonely house.

Deciding to break the ice, Xavier finally speaks up, "Damn, Percy Jackson, again?"

His eyes fall to the book which sits comfortably in your hands.

"What do you mean again?" You ask, as if you haven't read the series 100 times before. And watched the movies. You've even convinced him to watch them with you a few times before.

He shrugs, before moving over to his desk and leaning back against it.

"You should know, that it's my favourite," You tease, adjusting the blanket so that it now covers your top half too.

"And, that Percy is my favourite," You add, digging to get a reaction out of him.

It's... half true? Percy Jackson is your favourite fictional character. And it's your little secret that you may, or may not have a thing for that seaweed brain.

His eyes turn back to you, "Favourite what?" He questions, voice seeming to turn lower.

Now, you have to play your cards right here. He's digging too now and you aren't about to give up.

"Jealous, Xavier?"

"What? No way, I'm not jealous."

His jaw clenches after his response and he begins to walk towards you. But you turn your attention back to the book and the Percy in question.

"Percy is pretty cute, especially in the movies," You add, a small smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.

You hear Xavier before you see him - the little huff that falls from his lips. Then suddenly he's infront of you, tugging the book away from you and out of your reach.

His expression shows clear disgust and possible concern.

"He's a fish, babe," He deadpans.

But you shake your head, no. Your hands reach for your book and you shift, jumping down from the window seat. The blanket falls to the floor as does the hot water bottle.

Of course, Xavier holds it far out of your reach.

"Xavier, gimme the book."

"Not until you take it back."

You roll your eyes, playfully, "Oh come on, I was only joking around,"

His expression does not change.

"Please, Xavier."

He shakes his head, hair falling again into his eyes.

"You are jealous," You pout, wrapping your arms around your middle as the cold air begins to hit you.

"Say you take it all back and that I'm your favourite," He begins, "And the book returns... unharmed,"

He can't be serious, you think.

"Xavier, he's a book character."

He doesn't let up. The boy is stubborn.


He flicks through the paperback, and pauses on a random page and it's as if it all happenes in slow motion. His fingers run across the smooth page until they meet the corner. Between his thumb and forefinger, he goes to crease the page, dog earing it.

"Alright! Alright, Xavier you are my favourite."


"I take it all back,"


He finally hands you the book back but his expression still remains not entirely convinced. But, who are you kidding, of course he's your favourite. Just about - your favourite damn everything. And deep down he knows that because you're his favourite too.

You lean into him, small body colliding with his much taller frame. Your hands wrap around him, taking him off guard ever so slightly.

"Xavier, you know that you're my favourite, just about everyone can see it," You mumble.

His hands return the favour, wrapping around your body too. He rests his chin on the top of your head, keeping you close.

"I don't want to go home," He says, his voice barley above a whisper.

The topic changes quickly, and In response, you pull away, cold hands going to rest on his flushed cheeks.

"If there was something I could do-" You begin, fingertips brushing over his soft skin. "But the flights are booked and It's near Christmas, so tickets are pretty hard to-" You're caught up in a mess of thoughts, trying to connect each one with the next.

"... Find. But we can call everyday - as much as you want."

"Even if its gone midnight. I'll send you the page number I'm on, oh! And we can build gingerbread houses on face time,"

At this, he smiles - seeing your face light up at the very thought of building gingerbread houses. Even though he knows that you can't bake, not even to save your life.

"Don't worry, you can keep fish boy to yourself. Just for the holidays."

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