Bloodied petals pt 3

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Summary: You start making research on your condition, and you might have to ask for a little help even if you're not so willing to. Xavier isn't buying your excuses, but will that taint your friendship?

Warnings: angst, mention of blood, swearing.

Turned out that you were right about the setback you'd experience after the Poe cup. While everyone was celebrating - or drowning their defeat in the banquet food - you found yourself curled on the ground of the bathroom of your dormitory, holding on the sides of the sink for your dear life as your throat rejected more and more petals. This time, you threw up almost four fully grown flowers. When the coughing fit seemed to finally calm down, you exhaled deeply, feeling the air entering your lungs freely this time. Unfortunately you had the feeling that it wouldn't last.

Tears coating the corner of your eyes started to spill freely on your cheeks. What was happening to you? There was no way you could continue to pretend that it was a meaningless flu or something you could brush away. You were coughing petals – full-grown flowers for fuck's sake! Glancing up at your reflection, you saw your face in the mirror. Some saliva mixed with blood was still dripping at the corner of your mouth, dark circles had started to appear under your eyes, and you were sure that you weren't usually this pale. This image of your sickened face was like a punch in the gut. Enough of the denial, it was time to do something about all of this.

Looking down at the bloodied flowers in the sink, an idea merged in your mind. You had no idea what was going on, but you sure knew a thing or two about botany. Retrieving the plants delicately, you decided that it would be a great start.

That's how you ended up in the library until late in the evening, instead of joining the rest of the students for dinner. Sure, some time of celebration with your friends after the Poe cup would have been nice, but you had more urgent matters. Besides, you weren't really hungry anyway; having flowers somehow spurting from your throat could do that. Instead, you were in the empty library, surrounded by a dozen herbology books and essays, trying to figure out what was wrong with you. And as you couldn't make answers magically appear out of nowhere, no matter how much of a witch you were, you had decided to take things methodically.

First, you had decided to identify the flowers that had come out of your mouth. You had neatly laid the two flowers you had most recently coughed up in front of you on the table, and your eyes flickered to them every time you saw something similar in the books. The first one had been easy to identify, you'd recognize anemones easily. The soft white petals and dark centre sure were familiar to you; it was common to use some in potions. You knew of its poisonous properties, and that alone worried you. It wasn't toxic as a flower, you had to decant the pistils to actually get this effect. Still, the thought of those flowers growing in your lungs wasn't reassuring at all.

As you took notes about any information you could get, you wondered what exactly you needed to focus your research on. Botanical properties? Medicinal ones? The colour or size of the flowers? The subject was just too wide to actually pinpoint a precise approach! You didn't even know what you were looking for!

A sudden thud echoing in the library made you jump. Immediately you whipped your head around to see the familiar face of your botany professor. The redhead replaced the chair she had accidentally bumped while holding a pile of books. You were even pretty sure you heard her swear under her breath.

"Ms.Thornill?" you called out.

She jumped slightly and looked up at you. "Oh Y/N hi," she said lightly, fixing her large glasses, "I didn't expect to find you here at this hour."

Glancing through the window you noticed that the night was well started. "Shit," you swore before realizing it and looking back at the teacher's amused face. That made you chuckle nervously, "I probably shouldn't be swearing in front of a teacher."

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