Drawing blanks pt 2

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warnings: mentions of bullying

summary: after transferring to nevermore, you thought things would be different. but after a prank pulled by xavier, you fear this school is the same as your last

Slamming the door, flopping on the bed, and crying into your pillow didn't make you feel any better. Enid wasn't here yet so thankfully you could let out all of your emotions. Eventually you stopped crying and heard a knock on the door.

You wiped your face and opened it.


You shut the door in Xavier's face, not even caring that he snuck into the girl's hall.

"Go away!" You shout. After a few minutes, you hear the door open, "I said go away!" You turn around, but you were met with Enid.

"What happened? Why are you crying?!" She rushes to your side.

"Xavier. He just—" You huff in frustration, not knowing who to trust. "Can I read your mind?Please. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important." You beg.

Her eyes are big with worry. "Yes."

You look at her closely before closing your eyes and concentrating. After a few moments, you realize Enid isn't involved with what happened. You sigh heavily.

"Well? Are you going to tell me why I need to go break Xavier's face?!"

"It was all a lie, Enid... He took me to his art studio and gave me a sketchbook. But it was completely blank! There wasn't anything in it... I feel so stupid. I left my old school because of bullying and now it's just starting again."

"Are you kidding?! Why would he do that? Xavier isn't really the bully type." Enid looks puzzled. "I'll get to the bottom of this, (Y/N). I'm here for you."


"I heard she totally freaked out on him! Literally screamed at him and ran away."

"I heard that too! I don't know if I believe it. It's so weird. Even for an Outcast."

You heard the two girls enter the restroom and start gossiping immediately, not even checking to see if they were alone. You walk out of the stall to wash your hands and see them standing by the sink. They both freeze when they see you. You just wash up and exit, heading to your first class of the day. You see Enid and sit next to her.

"People are already talking about me." You whisper.

"He told people already? What a loser!"

"Hey, (Y/N)." Bianca approaches your table. "Heard what happened last night. Thanks to your freakish ways, Xavier might come running back to me." She cackles as she struts to her table.

"Does she think I'm trying to take him away from her? What did I do?" You sigh.

After your first class, you start to walk to the next one. Looking down at your schedule, since you still aren't that familiar with the layout of Nevermore, you accidentally bump into a tall figure.


You look up and see his stupid face. "Sorry." You apologize and keep moving.

"Can we talk?" He calls out, and you turn back around.

"Haven't you talked enough, with the whole school?" You retort.


"You told everyone about how I was a 'freak' last night!" You wait for his response but he's silent. You leave him there in confusion.


You sat on your bed, not wanting to leave your room since everyone's talking about you. Enid said she was going 'investigate' what happened. In reality, she was going to pretend to gossip with everyone and see who knows what.

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