You already got me feeling some type of way

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(Y/n) irritates me so much. The way they constantly yap and yap about things no one cares about. The way they go around making friends with everyone. For some reason, they just attract everyone. How they talk hooks, everyone, voice inciting people you wouldn't expect. Their eyes looking deep into yours, you just get lost in them.

It's almost... addicting.

What the hell am I thinking? Xavier's thoughts came to a halt. The lead of his pencil broke under the pressure of his hand. "Shit." He mutters, dropping the pencil on the paper. It rolled for a moment, getting close to the edge of the table.

"This is why I can't stand you (y/n)" He said in an empty room, tapping his finger against the paper. The drawing hidden by his hand was you.  A perfect picture drawn of you, every detail captured on a piece of paper. Xavier looked at it disapproving, slightly sucking in his cheek before pinching it between his teeth. He took the paper, his eyes wandering around the paper examining his drawing.

Moments later, it was destroyed. Shredded bits of paper littering the ground.  The drawings in ruins but Xavier felt more relieved than anything.

The morning was bitter, Xavier walking into class with a brewing expression. You noticed how he's been coming into every class pissed off. His brows facing downwards in a solid frown. "Awwe, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" You decide to tease at his irked expression. "Can you not shut the fuck up for one minute? God." Xavier replied in a snappy voice, shooting you a harsh glare causing you to be taken back. Yeah he was a jerk... but never this bad. "Jeez." Enid whispered beside you, raising her brows. You look at Xavier with a judging look in your eye, skimming over him. He was slightly hunched and tense. You wondered what could be getting on his nerves. Ignoring him for the rest of the period, taking to Enid instead.

"I wonder what's got him so roughed up... he's been more pissy than usual" Enid sighed as he glanced over to the shut-off man doodling on his paper. You roll your eyes, resting your hand within your plam. "He's just being the usual dick head. Everything pisses him off... maybe he's finally hitting the puberty he's been waiting for." You say with a scoff, slightly laughing at your own comment. Enid giggling along with you.

Hands slammed against your desk, some of your books shaking and pencils rolling off the table. You quickly lookup to see Xaviers scowling eyes looking at you. His nose slightly flared and jaw clenched tight. "You act as if I can't fucking hear you. You are some nasty piece of shit aren't you (y/n) always in everyone else's business but youselfs." He seethed at you, his body closing in on yours. His anger was real. Enid standing up in your defence, pushing Xavier back off your end of the table. "Chill the hell out Xavier." Enid spoke on your behalf, glaring right back at him as he stumbled over his feet. With one more look at you, Xavier turned to leave the class. Not even taking his stuff on the way out.

Being left in utter awe, you kept staring at the place Xavier stood one second ago. "You alright?" Enid sat back down calmly, reaching for your clenched hand. The sensation of her nails tapping against your skin bringing you back down to earth. Shaking yourself off you look at Enid with a faux smile.

"Oh yeah, why would I let him get to me." You brush off, shrugging your shoulders. Enid gave you that look, the look saying 'bitch I know you're lying.' She read right through the facade you put up.

It did get to you however as ridiculous as it was.

The bell screaming at you to leave your class, you didn't waste any time doing just that. Leaving Enid hanging unintentionally while you rushed to the door. You go to the most obvious location on where Xavier was. You needed to know what the hell was up with him.

The leaves scattered across the ground were damp from the rain earlier. Small puddles formed in the uneven earth. Parts of your having  mud covering them, what a bummer. Approaching the door, the lock hanging loose on  a thick chain that usually kept the doors tightly locked.

Xavier was in there, he had to be.

Inviting youself inside, not even caring to knock on the door. Xavier was hidden behind a tall canvas, you could just see his legs poking under the legs of the easel. His hand dropped down by his side, a paint brush held tightly in his fingers.

"You really can't leave me alone can you?" He spoke up, his voice was dark. Part of Xavier's face crept from the side of the painting. His eyes sharp on you.

"Xavier you say that as if I cling to your side... get a grip. I want to know why you are being such a dick." As you talked you approached the small table sitting beside Xavier, leaning against the wood that was covered in all sorts of paints and colours. You look over at Xavier, he turned the painting away from you. His attention back on you. "You wanna know why I'm such a dick? Well, sit and listen then." He snarled at you, getting closer to you unnoticed. You weren't paying much attention, looking down at your nails and picking at the cuticles of your nails. Pushing the dead skin back away from your nails. The lack of attention only got on Xavier's nerves even more, grabbing your hand to take away the distraction.

"Like I told you. You won't leave me alone. I see you everywhere, I can hear your voice at the back of my head with your face engraved in my mind. I can't stop thinking about you. Everything sucks me back into this wrap hole to do with you. And I can't stand it." Xavier spoke out, his eyes set on yours not even blinking as he spoke. His eyes reach deep into your soul. The earthy tones in his eyes dark and dimmer than usual. Xavier put his hand down next to you on the wooden table - getting extra close to you in his angry moment.

With no reply prepared for this moment, you ended up just staring back at the face that met yours. That was one hell of a confession. "Are you out of your mind Xavier?" You shake your head, leaning back further away from him.

"Yes! Yes. I am out of my fucking mind because you are all I'm able to think about and I want you." He hits his fist back down on the table, his knuckles going red. Parts of his face getting softer. His eyes were the first, the glare turning into a saddened look on his face. Xavier brought his eyes back onto yours, swallowing the hard lump in his throat that restricted his throat. "I hate you, so much." Xavier told you, coy. He didn't really mean it did he. He sighed, taking a step away from you while running his hand through his hair trying to compose himself.

Being unable to move, you watched him leaving you and head back to the mysterious painting that he looked at with a pondering expression. "I made you look too good in this painting."  Xavier raised his brow, staring at the painting before turning it to face you. You stare again the drawing in front of you and back to Xavier who was suddenly very close to you. "Look at what I've become because of you (y/n)." He kept pinning all his troubles onto you. "It's crazy that you can make anyone feel this was." Xaviers eyes were locked with the painting, trouble in his eyes but eventually he turned back to look at the real you. Still frozen on the small wooden desk, having no idea how to reply to this.

Walking closer to you Xavier yet again rested his hands either side of you. Analysing you and the look on your face. "You look stupid." He commented, reaching to hold your face - pointing you face towards his. "I don't think you'll ever stop torturing my mind the way you do." He leaned in, giving into his urges he'd had for so long. Holding your face tighter, unintentionally pinching your face while he kissed you. For a moment just himself sink into your lips as get a feel of you.

"I've already regretted what I've done but, theres no point holding anything back now." He said right after pulling away from you. Not giving you even a moment to process what had just happened. You look up at him, batting your eyes as you tried to make sense of it but the taste on your lips distracted you from it all. Xavier leaned down to your ear, your smell overwhelming him. He reached to hold you close, grabbing roughly at your clothes to pull you in closer to himself.

You wanted this, as bad as it sounded you liked Xavier. Feelings kicked from nowhere for you, stirring up you'd stomach and giving into Xaviers rough hold. You push him away however. Looking at him for second before speaking. "Slow down there... do you think I'm over what you said earlier?" You raise your brow, finally moving away from the table you'd been stuck at for minutes. Heading to the exit of the shed, you look back at Xavier. "I'll be expecting a formal apology Xavier Thorpe." You grin at him, just teasing him and pulling him on in this little game before you leave him all to himself. The cool air never feeling as good as this. It was so refreshing against your warm body.

Xavier stood empty-handed at the door, watching as you left as he sucked in his cheeks biting them. He looked down at the ground with a slight smirk on his face. "Well Xavier, you can't go back now." He spoke to himself in third person, with a small sigh before he looked back at the painting of you. Xavier could loose himself in it for hours.

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