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"Ow," I said as I got knocked back after running into someone.

"I-I um- sorry," Xavier Thorpe responded while turning red.

"Oh, it's okay. I was actually looking for you," I responded with a slight smile.

"You were?" He asks with a questioning voice.

"Yeah, we need to start on our project for botany," I said trying to jog his memory.

"Oh," he responded looking a little disheartened.

"Yeah, do you want to meet me at my dorm in like 30 minutes so we can start?" I asked him.

"Um ye-yeah sure," he said looking a little nervous.

30 minutes later

Knock knock

"I'm coming," I shouted at the door as I got up from my chair.

"Hey Xavier," I said to him with a smile.

"Hey Y/n," he greeted back with a smile.

"Come in. You can sit anywhere," I said as I closed the door behind him and sat on my bed.

"So, what is this project about? I don't really pay attention in Ms. Thornhills class," he said sheepishly after he took a seat in the chair in my room.

"Uh basically we have to do a drawing and a speech about a deadly/poisonous flower," I responded while looking at my notes.

"Do we get to pick the flower?" He asked me.

"Yup, I figured we could either do Dracunculus Vulgaris or maybe the Oleander," I said while turning to look at him.

"I figured you could do the drawing and I would do the speech part," I said.

"Uh yeah that's probably best," he responded.

"We should do the Dracunculus Vulgaris flower," he said while looking up the flower on his computer.

"I was hoping you would pick that one," I say with a smile.

"It's my favorite," I told him.

After about 1 hour-ish on working on my speech it was done.

"Hey, I'm done with the speech part," I told him while handing him my computer so he could look it over.

"Wow, this is really good," he said in amazement while reading over my speech.

"Thanks, how's the drawing coming along?" I question.

"U-uh goo-good," he said looking at me nervously.

"Can I see it?" I ask him while reaching for his sketchbook

"No," he said as he quickly shut the sketchbook.

"Dude, just let me see it I don't care if it's not done," I said slightly aggravated.

"N-no," he repeated.

I quickly grabbed grabbed his sketchbook and started to look through it.

"Uh dude this isn't a drawing of a flower," I said while looking at the half finished drawing of me.

"I'm sorry," he said while looking down embarrassed.

"I mean it's a good drawing but I would like to get this project done. So can you start drawing the flower now?" I asked him while handing him the sketchbook back.

"Uh yeah yeah totally," he said while taking the book from me.

While he sat there drawing I was typing away on my computer doing work for my other classes.

"Aren't you going to ask why I drew you?" He asked me.

"No," I responded while not looking up.

"Why not?" He asked again.

"Because I know you like me," I said

"What? How could you know that? I mean no I don't," he said his voice getting higher and higher.

"Xavier, I'm going to be straight with you," I tell him.

"You stare at me all the time, you always go red whenever you see me, and you always get stuttery and nervous around me. So either you like me or you have a speech impediment and a over heating problem," I say while looking him in the eyes.

He just sits there staring at me with this mouth open.

"Do you like me back?" He questions quietly almost as if he is afraid of the answer.

"Why would I put up with all of that if I didn't like you back," I respond while furrowing my brows.

"Now finish the drawing please," I tell him.

"Uh um yeah okay," he says trying to get a grip on his emotions.

"Do you want to go get a coffee with me tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Yes. I mean uh yeah sure," he says while trying not to seem to excited.

Xavier Thorpe x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now