- Chapter Twenty-Two -

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"Parker, I am fine

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"Parker, I am fine."

At this point the lie rolls off my tongue. If you had asked me how I was before last night, I would have actually said I was living my best life. That was until the whole, kidnapping plan. Like, who actually does that? Apparently my fake-husband, and his little squad. It was ridiculous, and the audacity of Kai to question my morals— unbelievable.

"Faye mentioned that you haven't spoken in a while," Parker said over the phone, I laugh, mostly to sell the story of the fact that I am fine. I've told Faye the same lie I told Parker— expect, Faye is the only person who knows that I am married. I even had to ask Lizzie not to speak to my sister. The reason I am in New York is due to work, I'm currently on placement in a different branch, Parker believed the lie, but then again he wouldn't dare question me.

"I literally texted Faye yesterday," I replied, it's true too. I sent her a message before I went out for dinner with Kai and his friends— the text went along of the lines of myself worrying about the evening. I now know that I was indeed right to worry, especially after the events of the meal. The meal that I didn't even get too. They are the idiots who believed I would sit there with a smile on my face after they told me their plan. Kidnapping? Honestly... I could deal with other shit, possibly, but not that.

"Ahhh," Parked sighed on the other end before I heard, giggling? "Are you with someone right now?" The question left my mouth before my brain caught up, it's none of my business but the last thing I knew was that Parker had something going on with my best friend. And that's when it clicked, "you're with Faye right now, aren't you?" I asked with a wide smile on my face, Parker laughed before replying, "it must be late for you, so I will let you go."

"Wait Parker—" my words got cut off to the sound of him hanging up. That little bitch, but he does have a point. It's currently ten minutes past midnight here, the only reason I'm up is because I'm waiting for Kai to return from one of his meetings again. Despite how posed I am at him, a small part of me still feels safer knowing that he's in the apartment too. But maybe that just comes from years of living alone in my childhood home.

Slowly, I stand up before plugging my phone on charge. Maybe Kai will have something to eat in this apartment— I know he has someone who does his weekly shop, and they get it delivered during the early hours, normally before I wake. I opened my bedroom door before quietly making my way down the hallway, there's no reason for me to be quiet but it's a habit. "You're back in London? For what?" The voice begins to get louder the closer I get to the main room.

I immediately stop when I spot Kai, his back is turned to me and the phone to his ear. He's in a white shirt, paired with black trousers, I swear this man doesn't know how to dress casual. "You've fucked it this time," Kai said, his other hand rubbing his forehead just before he started pacing the living room. He looks stressed and I can't help but wonder why. It's none of my business, maybe he's planning his next kidnapping? Either way, I don't give a fuck. With light steps I make my way towards the open planned kitchen.

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