- Chapter Twenty-Eight -

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Within the last six hours, I have had sex with Kai twice

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Within the last six hours, I have had sex with Kai twice.

And now, at half-six in the morning, I am sat at the kitchen table watching Kai slowly drink his coffee. He has a meeting at seven, and originally he wasn't going to wake me, the only reason I'm up is because I refused to let him leave as if he was sneaking out. "You're staring," Kai muses as he glances over the newspaper, you would never guess that this man is in his early twenties. "Should I not?" I answered back with a smile, I've learnt by now that with Kai, you should always answer back with a question, especially when the topic is flirtatious of some sort.

"If you keep looking at me like that I will never leave this penthouse," Kai says, his eyes holding the deadly promise. I nod in agreement before he stands, "have you spoken to your family yet?" No, and I don't wish to— that's my real answer. "I called Parker the other day," I admitted, many years ago I would have never believed that I would be closer to Parker, my younger brother than my older sister, Em. It was always the two of us, even when she left for college in Pullman, she would come home and the summers would be ours.

My whole life was made for summer, I fully believe that I never truly lived until it was summertime. When the sun was at its brightest and highest in the sky— that was what I lived for, Em too. I defined my life by the song, "Cruel Summer."

"Have you told your parents yet? Your sister?" Kai asked, I know he's showing that he cares, I get that, but how the hell do I explain I got married on a drunk night out in Vegas to a man I didn't know, and I am now living with him in New York. How do I say that without them judging? You cannot, I can't do that and expect them to respect my decision and to not worry, and that's exactly what they would do. I know it, and if they knew my situation they would also know it.

"What would I say, Kai?" The exhaustion making itself clear when I rub my eyes. When I look at him again his eyes bore into mine and instead of desire or curiosity, it's rather pity. I haven't slept probably in a while, mostly due to thoughts of him keeping me up, thoughts of my sister and my parents being disgusted in my decision. They would call me reckless, and I know that and I understand why, but it doesn't make it right. "Just tell them the truth, it's that simple and they love you so they'll respect what you've done, you're an adult, living your own life and now longer in their shadow."

With that Kai leaned in to kiss my forehead before backing way, "I'll be home soon, promise," I offered a small smile as I watched him enter the elevator, I waved as did he just before the doors closed leaving me alone once again.


Four hours later and I had yet to call my family. I'm hesitant, for the last twenty minutes I've sat on my bed with my phone in hand, with my finger hovering over Emilia's phone number. She would understand, wouldn't she? Em wouldn't jump to conclusions, I would hope not anyways. Parker has claimed that Em would be supportive but I have doubt.

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