- Chapter Twenty-Four -

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A week has passed and every day is the same

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A week has passed and every day is the same.

My mornings start off slow, Kai tries to avoid me but I insist he actually sits down and has breakfast with me. By the Thursday, I didn't need to ask him, he just did it— maybe because he wanted too, or if it was simply just a habit by then.

I still haven't spoken to my sister Em, I know I should, I need to explain to her eventually that I'm married. That I married one of Kians brothers. That is the complex bit, and she would probably argue that it was not a coincidence. See, the thing with my sister is that she believes she knows what is best for you, damn your own thoughts and feelings. If I confessed, and told Em what happened, she would argue that I had been reckless, and that I should have never been in Vegas in the first place.

Too bad that she's on a different continent, and I refuse to call her any time soon just so she could prove me right.

Today marks officially a month and a half of Kai and I living together, and most importantly, being married. I doubt he has taken much note of how long we've been husband and wife, not that I care. As he is currently in a works meeting, fuck knows what they need to discuss, which other mafia princess should we kidnap? Since that night, we haven't spoken about it since, I'm trying to forget the whole thing, and yet there's a small part of me that is desperate to tell Blake. I know he would help, despite what he said the other night, he wouldn't allow her to get kidnapped. I would like to say that Kai isn't in support of this plan because Hunter will hurt her, if he did I then would like to argue that Kai wouldn't agree to help.

Apparently Kai and I have another gala to attend in two weeks time, he hasn't disclosed what it's for, but I don't have much say in the matter. I swear he only insists I come along so he can watch me and make sure I'm not doing anything I shouldn't. Yet, despite what happened between us a week ago, I cannot stop thinking about it. I know I should stay aware, that's why when Kai pulled back I used the excuse for him. The second I fuck the rules, I will fall and I doubt Kai would catch me. Like Blake said, I shouldn't get attached, Kai won't change his ways for me.

But I have never been one to follow the rules, thankfully, I haven't found the courage yet to follow through with my plan.

Currently, I'm sat on the massive sofa, watching that elevator. I swear it's taunting me. I can't leave due to not having a key card, and the only people who do are whoever is suppose to be watching me and Kai. Lately, due to our progression, Kai has stationed his bodyguards outside of the apartment. Meaning that they are currently watching me on some monitor, fuck knows where that is hidden, I haven't quiet found it yet. The clock on the wall continues to haunt me as well, the minutes slowly bleeding into the hours waiting for Kai to return home.

We've had multiple disagreements on me waiting up for him to return, but fuck him for believing that I would actually sleep peacefully in an empty apartment that isn't my own. I struggled sleeping before, never mind now. As the big hand strikes the twelve, the twenty-first hour begins. Where the fuck is he? Kai left around midday for work, and I haven't heard from him since. I now have his number in case of emergencies or whenever he texts asking if I need anything, or when to be ready, but other than that I refuse to text him.

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