Matthew Williams the Canadian

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Q: "Go on a date with 1p Canada"

Gil: ...... I, uh..... I don't know 1p Canada that well...

Admin: I can go get him, one sec.

Gil: ...I've talked to him before.... I think we might've been in the same room... once or twice...

Matthew: H- hello? Um, I'm Matthew Williams. Was I called over...?

Gil: ....... Woah, he looks a lot like Matt... Just not as scruffy and attractive...

Admin: .... *coughs* You just admitted that Matt was attractive~

Gil: No I didn't.

Matthew: ......... Um..........

Gil: That's right. Come with me. We're going to watch the sunset.

Admin and Matthew: It's only 2:00 in the afternoon.

Gil: That's why we'll be watching it on a computer, supplied by Peter the Admin. Come on, Canadian man.

Matthew: .... Okay?

~End Scene~

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