I Feel Pretty part 2: I feel TOO pretty...

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Q: "I dare you to curl your hair like a girl and put on makeup.

Then go have a teaparty with Matt."

Gil: *sighs and smooths out princess gown, touching up his sparkly make-up from previous asks* Fine. I shall curl my hair for you heathens.

Admin: Matt, are you available for a tea party? Oliver can provide snacks and tea...

Matt: Well, I dunno...

Admin: Gil will be there in a dress.

Matt: What time does it start?

Gil: *ignores both and carefully starts curling hair with the help of Flavio*

~30 minutes later~

Gil and Matt: *sitting across from each other at a dainty round tea table, flowers surrounding them and butterflies fluttering across the screen*

*camera pans onto the two of them, staring awkwardly at each other*

*laughter explodes from behind the camera*

Gil: *sips tea with pinky out* Etiquette.

Matt: Wow, this tea sure is... something...

Oliver: ROOD

Flavio: Do you think the butterflies were too much?

Admin: It's perfect, dear.

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