First date...?

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(Admin note! Because there was a bit of confusion, this is the answer to last chap's dare! It is in a fanfic one-shot format as an apology~ so you can enjoy it to maximum level! And I've added another  dare submitted by Nove_Jones, so~ yup!)

        I sighed as I trudged up the stairs leading to the doorway of Canada's house. This annoying guy named Peter follows me, as he always does, holding a camera and a notepad for reasons I do not know. He was the devil who had made me do this, the one who I loathe and wish would stop recording everything I do, half of which isn't even true, the one who is currently giggling like a madman and urging me to go on with my journey to my execution-- er, I mean, 'first date'.

        I rang the doorbell, waiting for the familiar blonde to answer. Eventually, someone did, but it was not the person I was expecting. It was that annoying brother of his, munching on a tofu burger and holding up a bloodied bat.

        "Ohhey dude, whattaya want?" he slurred, making me think for a split second that he was drunk before I remembered that's how he always talked. I opened my mouth to speak, but I couln't before Peter cut in.

        "He's here to see Matt!" he proclaimed, smiling mischieviously. I glared daggers at him, but he was unfazed as usual, humming and scratching something down on his notepad. I turned back to see Al scowling.

        "Why?" he questioned, a threatening note in his voice, his eyes gaining a serious light.

        "To... ask him something..." I answered, frowning at the aggressive American. Why was he getting so angry?

        "Hm, fine..." he replied, turning to get his brother. "MATT! It's for you!"

        The Canadian soon appeared at the door, a bored look on his face. "Yeah?"

        "Um... I... uh..."

        "He wants to ask you out!" Peter blurted, collapsing in a fit of giggles at the end of his surprise sentence. What a freak. Matt pushed up his shades and looked at me, as if expecting an answer.

        If I said yes, he looked like he would kill me.

        If I said no, he might kill me anyway.

        Decisions, decisions.

        "Um, yeah..." I muttered, looking anywhere but at him. Peter was fanboying behind me, and a small black bird tried to fly out of a tree, but fell and hit the ground hard and most likely died. I would have to check up on that.

        "What the hell for?" he finally said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I swallowed. How did I explain this?

        ".... Um... I thought we could go to a hockey game together." Wow, this was the most I had talked in ages. He stared at me for a few seconds, then took off his sunglasses, revealing his violet eyes, clouded with suspicion.

        "Why?" he demanded.

        "Because reasons!" Peter supplied when I couldn't come up with an answer.

        "Okay...." he hesitated, not sure what to do, probably freaked out that I was talking to him in the first place, never mind asking him out. "Sure."

        See, I knew he would say no-- wait, what? WHAAAT? He said yes? How is that even-- I'm so done right now. It seemed he couldn't resist a hockey game, no matter who it was with.

        I nodded briskly and turned. "We should leave now. It's starting soon." I practically ran down the stairs and over to the black bird I had noticed earlier. It was agony, ignoring it. I picked it up gently and examined it, looking for injuries. There was still the pulse of a tiny heart, and I sighed in relief, turning to realize that Matt was once again staring at me, his features showing an aversion to my actions. I sighed and set the bird down, stroking its head one last time, and standing, pulling a hand through my hair.

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