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Q: "Hahahaha priceless oh ok i dare you to have a make out scene with Matt *smirk* in front of al. Peter you are allowed to record and no body can stop him *evil mode* unless you want to deal with the wrath of nova *goes back to kinda innocent* ok let's do this shiz"

Admin: Okay! Let's do this! *brings out camcorder* Weehee this'll be fun.

Matt! Al! I have something to show you!

Gil: Wha- What are you doing??? I don't want to do this!!

Matt: Yeah, Peter? Gil?

Admin: Make out with Gil. Now.

Matt: 'kay. *grabs Gil and eagerly starts making out with him*

Al: What??? What's going on? I don't understand! What's happening?? Whyyy?? *covers eyes* Matt, that's weird!!

*questionable noises in the distance as Admin and Al run away*

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